Happy official birthday to the Steam client for Linux, today marks six years since it released for everyone.
Who would have thought we would have everything we do now back in 2013? We've come a seriously long way! In that time we've seen the rise and fall of the Steam Machine and Steam Link (now available as an app), the Steam Controller, the HTC Vive headset and plenty more.
We now have well over five thousand games available on the Steam store that support Linux. That's a ridiculous amount, considering we're still a very small platform even in comparison to Mac when going by the current Steam Hardware Survey showing the market share.
Obviously the number doesn't mean much, quality games are more important and we do have some seriously good games available on Linux. The biggest gap is of course AAA games, which has become quite a bit easier thanks to Steam Play.
Here's to you Valve, thanks for all the fun. You're certainly not perfect and you make plenty of mistakes but you've given us a lot and I for one am especially thankful for the effort.
What are you hoping to see out of Valve in the next few years?
Personally, I hope they continue to push through and get SteamOS 3.0 out the door, a fresh Steam Machine push would be sweet when Steam Play has matured and some good new games would go down well.
So thank you very much for your hard work, now please bring back steamos and make it the next big thing that everyone wants in there living room. o ya happy b day :)
Last edited by Tuxgamer on 15 Feb 2019 at 12:33 am UTC
Odd... This must be some type of coincidence because it can't possibly be related to the story. :P
But according to the badge on my profile page, my years of service on Steam will hit 6 years within the next two months. How odd is that being so close to 6 years of Steam on linux?
Definitely not a coincidence for me that I hit 6 years on December 19th... Steam beta!
I bought a lot of the games Loki published, every iD title that had Linux binaries, and even a stack of LGP titles when they had a big sale. But I've always had the same problem... more games than time to play. :(

Then, several games I had backed on KS,Wasteland II and Pillars of Eternity, War for the Underworld, Planetary Annihilation (now TITANS), and a couple others that slip my mind came out and appeared in my library, and I was happy with all but 2 games: Akaniero:Demon Hunters, which is Free To Play on Steam. Not too bad, but the removal of the map, which was in beta, make it a game I wish I hadn't backed. Also Torment:Tides of Numenera, which is a huge novel with half of a great game which has a great ending, but it comes WAY too soon. And, the project, which gathered more money than any other KS-backed games, and took FOUR $^#%# YEARS to deliver. Buy it only on sale.
Otherwise, I'm delighted with the selection and Steam Play. Happy 70 year old camper.:)
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