It's question time once again, time to tell the world what you've been playing and let us know if it's worth getting.
I've actually been really enjoying Sid Meier's Civilization VI with the new expansion, it's far more addictive than I originally thought. While I previously got bored with it after a few rounds, that's no longer the case.
The disasters system with climate change adds so much to the game to seriously make it that much more interesting. Soon my English army shall take over what's left of the world…
In regards to the performance of the port (which isn't great in the later game), Aspyr Media did say this on Reddit:
The answer is actually not technical, but simply bandwidth. Frankly, it was a valentines miracle to get Linux out along-side Windows in a playable state that we were happy with AND cross platform. There will be time for optimizations once the dust settles, and we will continue to optimize for as long as we work on the product. For Civ V, that was years.
As for other games, I still can't pull myself away from Rocket League. Now that I have a few hundred hours in it, the amount of tricks I can pull off is increasing all the time, once you get to grips with some aerial maneuvers the game certainly opens up a bit.
Another shout out to Streets of Rogue, still one of my absolute favourite indie games. The amount of time I'be put into this is nuts. Probably one of the funniest games I've ever played with friends. Absolutely check it out if you haven't and do have a look at our video of it!
Last edited by pete on 17 Feb 2019 at 10:24 pm UTC
With Factorio you sit down to do one thing, only to then realize that suddenly four hours have passed.
Dirt Rally doesn't rob you of the time comprehension as much, you really feel every second when you're busy wrestling your car around the track.
Though since Steam Play exists I've been doing quite a bit of Anno 2070, Warframe, and Deep Rock Galactic as well. All great fun games, and all working really well under Linux - though with a tweak or two in the case of Anno and Warframe.
Runs almost flawlessly through Proton and looks wonderful. Absolutely loving it, awesome main character and story, fun and challenging combat. I think it's underrated but then I never played Darksiders 1 or 2..
Ruiner.... I have soft spot in my heart for Origin's last new IP Crusader: No Remorse(from 1995). This game seems influenced by that in addition to all the anime tropes and I recommend it. It's not shy about killing you even on normal difficulty.
Also, finally got Far Cry 3 working in Proton. You need to track down&install the No-Uplay crack from the pirated copy and the game starts up and runs fine after that. Plan to try that out with Blood Dragon next.
Finally got around to Firewatch. It was okay. Next up for indie walking simulators - The Station.
Fired up Black Mesa. Not through it yet. Same with Mark of the Ninja:Remastered, Rwby:Grimm Eclipse, and finally DOW2.
Let's see, installed but not yet played(just never have gotten around to them) - Aragami, Blade Symphony, Brutal Legend, Dishonored, The Free Ones, Strider, Saints Row2.
Last edited by jarhead_h on 17 Feb 2019 at 11:41 pm UTC
With Factorio you sit down to do one thing, only to then realize that suddenly four hours have passed.Ahh, Factorio... probably my favorite... I can't wait, about a week and a half until 0.17 is released.
Dirt Rally doesn't rob you of the time comprehension as much, you really feel every second when you're busy wrestling your car around the track.

The gameplay, the level design, the story, it has everything.
To me, it's the best solo story-driven FPS I've played since Bioshock Infinite.
Actually, I'm playing Prey (2017) through Proton, and it's a fantastic game.
The gameplay, the level design, the story, it has everything.
To me, it's the best solo story-driven FPS I've played since Bioshock Infinite.
I'd love to buy/play that, but it's still got Denuvo on it and there's a DRM line I don't cross.
I've been playing Dying Light on Steam Play - performance is indeed off the charts compared to the native build, so that's like a whole new game. It's superb.
I've also been playing a HUUUGE amount of 7 Days to Die. I'm level 45 and they're throwing the ferals at me with some regularity now. Luckily, I have my shotgun for those moments of sheer panic!
Otherwise, I played a bit of Guns of Icarus. Great game, just needs more players. You need to be patient in the lobby, sadly.
And I've been playing an hour or so of Overwatch most evenings, with GOLs Buenaventura. Fair to say we're both addicted to that game.
World of Warcraft on offical servers. Left the game with Cataclysm, and gave it another try, after what happened to Teldrassil. But this game is so broken and casualized meanwhile, that is no fun to play.
Overwatch which I got with Humble Monthly Bundle. Cool graphics, but booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring!
Warcraft III and Starcraft I Yes, this games rocks after all these years :D
Evoland as Legendary Edition. Finally Evoland II on Linux.
Besides that some good old games (no, not from GOG) on my Retro-RasPi :)
With Factorio you sit down to do one thing, only to then realize that suddenly four hours have passed.Ahh, Factorio... probably my favorite... I can't wait, about a week and a half until 0.17 is released.
Dirt Rally doesn't rob you of the time comprehension as much, you really feel every second when you're busy wrestling your car around the track.
The Factory. Must. Grow.
And yeah, with 0.17 looming too I should've probably done this latest factory as a modded run before doing a vanilla 0.17 one.
Also just finished Life Is Strange (the first one). That ending man...
I was a little iffy about it at first - I tend to dislike Japanese pop culture (my tolerance for 'wierd for no reason' is really low), I was just getting too old for Power Rangers when they first hit so I only watched like the first season of the first series, and I am not a fan of games going for the retro console aesthetic unless there's a good reason for it. But I love turn-based combat and it kept piling up good reviews so I am finally getting around to it. And I frickin love it.
Oxygen Not Included: I built a new base in the QoL upgrade Mk2 testing beta, I love the new art paintings and printing pod changes.
Forge of Empires: I continue to build my city in this browser-based game.
8 years after I initially purchased it, I'm still playing the hell out of Mount and Blade: Warband. :) I finally hit the 1,000 hour mark last week as well, and that's not even counting the 200 or so hours I played before I got it on Steam. lol.
is sooo worthy though! if only i could still singleplayer..
i am rediscovering Ballistic Overkills. why i ever even stopped playing... so good
* Rocket League (best online game ever?)
* Angels Fall First (Proton, can't wait until it gets DX11 and DXVK comes into play)
* Ballistic Overkill
* 2005 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Proton, looking to try some more mods)
Ones GOL Articles Inspired Me to Play:
* Allspace
* Disputed Space
* Ravenfield (the AI is perhaps still maybe TOO good)
* The Mean Greens
Ones I keep floating into and out of
* Insurgency (the crazy good skills of online players keeps me from playing this more)
* Clone Drone in the Danger Zone (Proton)
* Hypergate (half way through, looking forward to finishing, has been more fun than I anticipated)
* Interstellar Marines (when there's anyone else around)
On My List to Play Soon
* Battlefield 4 (Proton, want to see why people think they're so good)
* Mass Effect (Proton, never played one of these, feel I need to fill in that gap)
* Star Trek Armada III (Proton, mod for Sins of a Solar Empire, which I've never played either)
* X-Plane 11 (it's been too long since I've spent serious time with a flight sim)
Possible Purchase Soon:
* Dusk (is it really that good?)
* Block 'Hood (my kids love building games)
Last edited by iiari on 18 Feb 2019 at 4:46 am UTC
StarTraders: Frontiers: Love it. It's one of the best Space Operas ever played. I played a lot of Elite Dangerous, the original Elite as a child and die X-Games 1 - 3 but STF has a lot more atmosphere and deepness which is remarkable for an indie title.
Darkest Dungeon, Duskers, FTL, Transistor: These are my frequently played casual games.
Rimworld: I love it but didn't played much right now. It's still on my todo list.
Stellaris, Master of Orion: I like both. I play a partie from time to time.
Caves of Qud: My most played roguelike. Also playing Cogmind (using Proton), Angband[/b, [b]ToME.
Rolling up the CRPG history cause I started playing video games again for a few years with an break of 15 years before. Tyranny, Pillars, Planescape, The Bard's Tale Trilogy. There are many on my todo list.
Battlefield V via Wine/DXVK and Lutris.
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