It's question time once again, time to tell the world what you've been playing and let us know if it's worth getting.
I've actually been really enjoying Sid Meier's Civilization VI with the new expansion, it's far more addictive than I originally thought. While I previously got bored with it after a few rounds, that's no longer the case.
The disasters system with climate change adds so much to the game to seriously make it that much more interesting. Soon my English army shall take over what's left of the world…
In regards to the performance of the port (which isn't great in the later game), Aspyr Media did say this on Reddit:
The answer is actually not technical, but simply bandwidth. Frankly, it was a valentines miracle to get Linux out along-side Windows in a playable state that we were happy with AND cross platform. There will be time for optimizations once the dust settles, and we will continue to optimize for as long as we work on the product. For Civ V, that was years.
As for other games, I still can't pull myself away from Rocket League. Now that I have a few hundred hours in it, the amount of tricks I can pull off is increasing all the time, once you get to grips with some aerial maneuvers the game certainly opens up a bit.
Another shout out to Streets of Rogue, still one of my absolute favourite indie games. The amount of time I'be put into this is nuts. Probably one of the funniest games I've ever played with friends. Absolutely check it out if you haven't and do have a look at our video of it!
Short fazit, seems to be a great game! Sadly 11 bit Studios went their backs on Linux, but as proton jumped into the gap, I can live with it. 11 bit Studios created a very good and addictive experience here. Makes me want to explore that winter world a lot more.
And yep, platinum rating for protondb ;)
Last edited by Corben on 18 Feb 2019 at 8:05 am UTC
Most of the time a play Dota 2. It's one of my favorites. Easy to learn but hard to master but so much fun.
8 years after I initially purchased it, I'm still playing the hell out of Mount and Blade: Warband. :) I finally hit the 1,000 hour mark last week as well, and that's not even counting the 200 or so hours I played before I got it on Steam. lol.
I don't know about that. I bought it a few years ago because of the good ratings on Steam.
It was pretty buggy. Often I couldn't finish quests, a proper tutorial was missing.
Quests were often the same (bring letter from a to b).
For me it felt quite unfinished although fighting was some fun.
Is this game really playable and enjoyable without using mods? Most of the time people say they use mods.
Chroma Squad.
I was a little iffy about it at first - I tend to dislike Japanese pop culture (my tolerance for 'wierd for no reason' is really low), I was just getting too old for Power Rangers when they first hit so I only watched like the first season of the first series, and I am not a fan of games going for the retro console aesthetic unless there's a good reason for it. But I love turn-based combat and it kept piling up good reviews so I am finally getting around to it. And I frickin love it.
In the beginning I really liked the game concept but at season 3 or 4 it became too boring for me.
Every season, it's basically the same over and over (apart from better items).
Nothing bores me more than repeating game concepts. They should have ended the story faster. I left this game unfinished.
Arma 3!! Both experimental port (armaonunix great community) and proton way.
Well... I was wrong. Although I tried several suggested workarounds, the game just won't work as fluent as expected. Issues like broken sound (despite Protons FAudio in 3.16-7), wine freezes on quit, quirky mouse and keyboard input spoil the fun of the game for me.
At least my all-time-favorite CS:GO works like a charm, thanks to a native implementation.
Last edited by Scoopta on 18 Feb 2019 at 9:54 am UTC
If you'd asked a couple of weeks ago i would have said that i am finally getting baldurs gate 2 completed. It's still not completed.
DUSK. It was the best shooter I've played since forever. And it dragged me in so hard that I've started playing Immortal Redneck again. I really can't wait for AMID EVIL to come outLike NeoTheFox I have been playing (and finished) DUSK. Amazing game because the gameplay just "feels" right, and how do people program a feeling? :)
And concerning Proton, I have finished both Prey (2006) and Prey (2017). Both games were better than I expected, because of their story lines. I was totally surprised by the 'immersive sim' concept of Prey (2017).
Otherwise lately I've been catching up on some indies, such as Undertale, Trine and The Stanley Parable....all great too!
Euro Trucks Simulator 2. Still the best game to listen to some podcasts :)
Last edited by please_use_plain_text on 18 Feb 2019 at 10:59 am UTC
Boy, was that ever worth it. Just wanted to see if it really runs (after getting the kids to bed)... 3 in the morning my wife comes and asks if I am crazy and I should go the f*&/)( to bed ;) Played it whenever there was time after work and thoroughly enjoyed every second. What a game so far!
Then came the Civ 6: Gathering Storm release and I did something I rarely ever do: I bought it immediately on impulse b/c I had spent hours already watching the firaxis twitch channel where they talked through all the new stuff. A bit on the expensive side for an expansion... but hey, it's Civ! This is going to cost me a couple of cents per hour I am going to spend with it!!!11!
To make it short: We played it all weekend in (family) multiplayer and loved it - so much new stuff. Now to the negative point: My wife played on her mac and when I installed it from my account on her computer it gave me an instant steam hardware survey. Shit, I thought - I never get those on Linux!!! So I install it on the Windows laptop my daughter is using... steam hardware survey. Damn!!! That can't be! But not on Linux on my main system!
Other than that I recently (this month) played:
- War of the Overworld - fun little game that doesn't take too long to just pick up for one level (at least in the beginning). I will play it again but it also didn't totally exite me.
- Robothorium - also fun and very similar to Halcyon 6's Combat. At the moment I categorize this as casual gaming that I can start play a little then do sth. else
- Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth - really well made adventure but a little on the casual side which makes it easy to play, put down and pick up again anytime - I am playing this in short instances for about 2 months now which is very unusaual for an adventure for me.
- John Shafer's at the Gates - just had to get this one when it came out to see what the former Civ Lead Designer could do with his own game... sadly it is labeled a full game but plays like early access. Lot's interesting concepts but sadly not fleshed out. I'm probably not going to play this in a while and hope that they will work on this some more.
- Particle Fleet: Emergence - being a HUGE fan of Creeper World III I just had to play this. What should I say - played through the campaign in one day... probably not going to play it again since while it is not a bad game it is just so much less than Creeper World 3.
...I'm still waiting for Skyrim special edition to be playable in proton because once that happens it'll be freaking amazing on this setup.
I've been playing Skyrim SE in Proton for a few weeks now. No special config, it just worked, other than needing an audio fix. Runs very nicely (occasional freezes, loss of some audio), better than the none-SE version ever did with WINE, and that's with an Intel GPU (NUC). Using Manjaro, for info.
...I'm still waiting for Skyrim special edition to be playable in proton because once that happens it'll be freaking amazing on this setup.
I've been playing Skyrim SE in Proton for a few weeks now. No special config, it just worked, other than needing an audio fix. Runs very nicely (occasional freezes, loss of some audio), better than the none-SE version ever did with WINE, and that's with an Intel GPU (NUC). Using Manjaro, for info.Probably should have clarified. I'm running RADV with LLVM 7.0.1. The DXVK wiki mentions some games have a tendency to hang with LLVM 7.0.1 and unfortunately it appears Skyrim SE is one of them. I keep hoping that a newer RADV with LLVM 8 will end up in the Debian experimental repos(I run Sid) but not as of yet. I guess I could try my hand at compiling RADV myself but that sounds painful.
...I'm still waiting for Skyrim special edition to be playable in proton because once that happens it'll be freaking amazing on this setup.
Cutting edge gaming from me.
The Witcher 3 and why did I wait so much to play it. It will still last me a good couple of moths though :D
The Witcher 2 put me off The Witcher 3. Having to drink potions before certain fights to have any chance of success is just a horrible gameplay mechanic. Well, that and all the mixed messages from CDPR about whether we were getting a Linux native build. Or was it mixed messages? I remember Valve "announced" it, that was retracted of course, but did CDPR ever say anything on the matter?
So yeah. They're not on my "don't buy" list or anything, but there are so many better developers (for Linux) that I'd rather spend my money on that even years after its release, I've never felt the urge to go there.
I've also been playing a little zombie-horde shooter I picked up on sale for pennies called [Blood Waves.]( I a bought it primarily to test it for [Our Most Beloved ProtonDB,]( because it didn't have an entry yet. Everything worked perfectly except the controller, which went undetected, until I fired-up Kozec's SC-Controller---ta-daaaa!
And, as is our custom, my bro-in-law and I have been playing Borderlands TPS once or twice a week.
Last edited by Nanobang on 18 Feb 2019 at 1:15 pm UTC
The Witcher 2 put me off The Witcher 3. Having to drink potions before certain fights to have any chance of success is just a horrible gameplay mechanic.
That's one of my favorite things, though; because it adds an element of strategy into the combat, and also motivates the player to read the codex, to get an idea as to which signs & oils & potions are effective with what type of enemy. Since in-lore a witcher is supposed to have encyclopedic knowledge of such matters, having to do this kind of preparation deepens the role playing aspect a bit.
In any case, in easier difficulties one can pretty much ignore potions & alchemy; so there's a way to bypass that, if you don't enjoy it.
Last edited by walther von stolzing on 18 Feb 2019 at 1:46 pm UTC
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