This is quite an exciting release for Steam Play, as Valve just put out a brand new release of Proton.
It moves the version of Wine used from 3.16 to 4.2 which includes a rather large set of improvements by itself, so it should have quite an interesting effect on what games are now playable. What's especially nice, is that Valve said 166 patches from Proton 3.16 "have been upstreamed or are no longer needed".
That wasn't all, DXVK also saw a version bump so it's now using 1.0.1 and FAudio too joined the party with it pulling in a newer build "19.03-13-gd07f69f".
There's a bunch of other improvements too like better mouse behaviour in certain games, with Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5 specifically mentioned. Networking fixes made it in for NBA 2K19 and NBA 2K18 as well.
Controller/Gamepad duplication in games that use SDL2 like RiME should also be fixed, which I am sure many will appreciate as decent gamepad support could be something to make or break Steam Play. Any small hassle that gets fixed, is welcome.
Proton's special fullscreen "hack" should also now work with "GDI-based games", there's better support for IVRInput for controller input in VR and more improvements and new features to the build system.
As always, you can find the changelog here.
Do note though, Valve developer Pierre-Loup Griffais said on Twitter that you will want to install it manually from Steam's "Tools" area. Griffais said "That process is supposed to be automated, but there is currently a bug with games that use another redistributable".
You can find that here, for those that don't know:
Oh my god I got so many games to test now. I'm going to have to redo every one of my borked games to see what difference 4.2 makes. This is gonna be soooo guud.
Thankyou thankyou Valve!
This is why I absolutely refuse to even consider downloading a free game from EGS, screw Epic, they hate gamers in general and they hate us as well, they won't even port games made in a Linux compatible engine or port a store made in Electron. The sooner they go out of business the better off the entire world will be.
Controller/Gamepad duplication in games that use SDL2 like RiME should also be fixedWow, awesome. Yes, I used an workaround for RIME, and is all good now, but having this working out of the box is so great.
Time to repeat failed experiments.
It seems Gaben is reacting.
This is some titles working with steamplay:
Splinter Cell

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Splinter Cell Double Agent

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Lost Planet Extreme Condition

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Warhammer 40000 Space Marines

With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Murderer Soul Suspect

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Last edited by mrdeathjr on 27 Mar 2019 at 12:34 am UTC
This, right here, is why I'm a Steam loyalist. GOG may be DRM free, but they sure are useless for Linux
Please don't oppose Steam AND Gog, they are two games sellers that support Linux, they all two deserve respect from Linux community.
3.16-4 even worse
Last edited by mylka on 27 Mar 2019 at 12:43 am UTC
there are invisible characters and walls now in the surge
3.16-4 even worse
Have You deleted the game data folder "378540" that is inside the "compatdata" folder?
Is the trial or the full version? Because the DEMO ID is 646690
So, don't miss the opportunity for to do your own protonic test.

This, right here, is why I'm a Steam loyalist. GOG may be DRM free, but they sure are useless for Linux
Well you can add in any GOG game and run it via proton via the in steam shortcut system, it works for the most part but be warned it creates invalid game paths initially and you must go into the shortcut and select target again.
The main problem I have with GOG is that some games have disabled features because the developers want a authentication method to enable them (ie NMS multiplayer). So you get a inferior product on GOG with some titles, GOG need to add that feature into Galaxy quickly and also release it for Linux/Mac users.
Also proton doesn't like running directly from NTFS drives, you need to symlink compat data folder (as per wiki instructions).
there are invisible characters and walls now in the surgeThis is a regression in mesa-git which affects Lords of the Fallen as well. I'm working on getting a useful test case for the driver folks to reproduce this, but it's a rather tricky issue.
As a temporary workaround you could build [this]( DXVK branch, it was originally meant to solve a different problem but just happens to work around that driver issue as well.
Last edited by YoRHa-2B on 27 Mar 2019 at 1:29 am UTC
Does this mean Resident Evil 2 now works without Windows Media Foundation hacks?No, but Mouse+Keyboard are finally usable.
Finally managed to get Anno 2070 (steam version) working.
I had managed to finally pass product activation using proton 3.16.8 beta by using "PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%" as the screen was black and was unable to enter key. Was still unable to launch the game.
Game now runs on proton 4.2 and the game downloaded all the patches and Uplay worked perfectly. Still need to disable the Uplay overlay or game will crash.
Still cannot run Anno 2205, Planetcoaster or JWE. These are the last on my non working/running list and would really like to see these working soon.
Big Thank you from me to all the teams involved for this great project.
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