As someone who loves the film Aliens, a dark and atmospheric roguelike with a sci-fi horror theme is exactly what I need.
After being in development for a few years, first appearing on itch way back in 2016 it impressed my instantly with the theme and it's improved massively since then of course. It's now a full and complete game, with it officially leaving Early Access today.

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- Rich, Tactical Turn-based Combat
- infinite, randomly Generated Levels
- Atmospheric lighting and procedurally generated sound effects
- Unique useable items such as scanners, forcefields and night-vision goggles
- 10 alien types with 12 variants each, making 120 enemies: all with unique behaviours
- No starting class: develop your class on the fly with over 70 skill upgrades
- Multiple damage types and status effects
- Crafting (craft items from scrap and upgrade weapons and armor)
- Hack drones and turrets; deploy traps; find and use mysterious alien tech
- Random mini-quests
- Intuitive user interface, with mouse-only and keyboard-only support
It's quite a difficult game, one you going to likely need quite a few runs through before you're able to get too far but it's fun to try. The full release comes with 27 Steam Achievements, new sound effects, UI improvements and plenty of bug fixes.
Find it on Steam. It is also on but it seems updates there are lagging behind, however itch does have a demo that Steam does not so it could be a good taster.
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