Hello bargain hunters! It's almost the weekend, so let's take a look at some good deals you can find right now so you have something fresh to play.
First up, Steam is doing a "Post-apocalyptic" weekend sale and the Skulls for the Skull Throne event, so there's a number of good deals like:
- Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - 92% off
- Mad Max - 75% off
- XCOM 2 - 75% off
- Total War: WARHAMMER - 75% off
- The Long Dark - 66% off
- Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus - 35% off
- Total War: WARHAMMER II - 33% off
GOG have a Raw Fury sale going as well, which includes some goodies like: GoNNER BlüEBERRY EdiTION - 59% off and Kingdom: New Lands - 75% off.
Steam and GOG both have Surviving Mars with 66% off, with the recent update and expansion it's a good time to try it, especially as on Steam it's free to try currently.
Humble Store also still have their massive Spring Sale on and they have Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition to give away free for another two days, which has a pretty good rating in ProtonDB. As for the actual sale, they have some top deals too like:
- Penumbra Collection (Penumbra: Black Plague, Penumbra: Overture, Penumbra: Requiem) - 85% off
- Tomb Raider - 85% off
- SOMA - 80% off
- PixelJunk Shooter - 80% off (Our Scaine is a big fan)
- Figment - 80% off (Good time to grab it ahead of the new expansion)
If you do find a deal that's awesome, do let me know and I might add it for others to easily see.
While you're here, also do let everyone know what you've been playing recently, is it any good? Help your fellow gamers find a good game to pick up.
They made the sales and not the developers/publishers? That's nuts.
Meanwhile Epic completely fucks up their sale?
They made the sales and not the developers/publishers? That's nuts.
One might think Epic could have hired some professionals with their money...
Meanwhile Epic completely fucks up their sale?I really dislike Epic, but this doesn't actually look like they did anything all that bad. Stuff happens.
They made the sales and not the developers/publishers? That's nuts.
What I find more interesting is the nature of the sale itself--it's a massive loss leader. They are putting a significant sale on everything in the store, and reimbursing all the game companies for the difference, which means for the duration of the sale they are actually losing noticeable money on every game that sells. Another case where they are using their deep pockets to drive traffic, in an attempt to get more people using their store, no matter how many dollars it costs in the short term. It's a bit like some of those price wars between airlines where whichever one has more cash reserves tries to drive the other one/s into bankruptcy so they can bump their prices up again later once there's no competition.
So to be clear: If the store succeeds and they get big market share, sales like this will never happen again unless they need to crush an upstart. They're in business to make money; up front losses have to be temporary.
Strategically, I do find myself wondering if they may have misjudged the relative depth of their pockets and Valve's. Which is bigger--the revenue from The Big Game Right Now, or the revenue from All The Games?
Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 17 May 2019 at 4:16 pm UTC
Meanwhile Epic completely fucks up their sale?Sweet, sweet Epic fuck-ups.
They made the sales and not the developers/publishers? That's nuts.
Not like %30 of their game-store pulled out of the sale, just a few titles here and there. It was the late timing which caused a stir.
Until EPIC store supports Linux I won't ever touch it, and even then we will need a way to plug in proton to it. Launch game via launcher (proton) and ability to download windows versions are rather simple features to implement...
EPIC have all this money yet they seem to spend very little on the store front software/technology itself... why do big companies keep making this same mistake over and over?
Last edited by TheRiddick on 18 May 2019 at 12:34 am UTC
What I find more interesting is the nature of the sale itself--it's a massive loss leader. They are putting a significant sale on everything in the store, and reimbursing all the game companies for the difference, which means for the duration of the sale they are actually losing noticeable money on every game that sells.
I didn't read much about it, and wasn't sure if they want to compensate only Paradox, because something in the communication went wrong, or if they are compensating every company involved because that would be the nature of their sale. Is there clear statement about this?
About the f*ckup: How hard is it to send people a mail "We want to sell your game X % cheaper, press [here] if you want to take part."...?
- Baldur's Gate (https://store.steampowered.com/app/228280/Baldurs_Gate_Enhanced_Edition/) and [II](https://store.steampowered.com/app/257350/Baldurs_Gate_II_Enhanced_Edition/) (enhanced versions) have a 75% discount (I see them at 4 Euro - for each one)
- [Neverwinter nights enhanced edition](https://store.steampowered.com/app/704450/Neverwinter_Nights_Enhanced_Edition/) has a 80% discount (I see it at 3.2 Euro)
PS: planescape torment and icewind dale are also discounted.
[i]Last edited by SadL on 18 May 2019 at 1:13 pm UTC
So much Schadenfreude I'm feeling for Epic right now... lol
It's not at all. If you desperately try to gain marketshare by any means necessary you kind of have it coming. they knew the risks, they knew that they would alienate everyone and did it anyway.
It's more like Kanye West being put back into his place after being told that "he ain't the best".
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