As an update to my previous article talking about Easy Anti-Cheat, as it turns out they're not stopping official native Linux support for it at all. Previously we got word from Garry Newman of Facepunch Studios, who said "EAC are pausing their Linux support" but as it turns out that's not right.
Here's what Epic Games told me over email this morning:
Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to see all the confusion on this topic.Garry's comments reflect day-to-day prioritization decisions between anti-cheat issues across all of the platforms we support. These ongoing trade-offs in priorities don't mean there is any change in the long-term development of our Linux anti-cheat, and we remain committed to providing the support necessary for Linux as a gaming platform.
They also notified me they put a Twitter post out in public to also confirm this. Additionally, they also mentioned in a reply to someone on Twitter that work seems to be in progress to support EAC in Wine "EAC/Wine compatibility is currently in a beta state", which means Steam Play support should hopefully come eventually.
For those who don't quite understand, it's likely that Linux-related issues are just a much lower priority (for obvious reasons) compared to issues being found on other bigger platforms.
So…as you were, carry on, nothing to see here. A bit of good news is how I like to start my day. However, it also means I personally jumped the gun on this which seems to have caused a bit of a storm with it being shared wildly across Reddit, Twitter and YouTubers using it to claim Epic Games is killing off Steam Play and so on.
I honestly thought such a well-known game developer could be taken at their word but I was wrong on that. So for that, I apologise. I am only human, I do make mistakes and I will reflect on it.
It will work with old well known cheats but will probably fail to detect new ones during the pause. Which means that they create a big backdoor for any MMO that have multiplatform support and a big problem for the devs and community if the cheaters start abusing of any new security breach. In the end this gives the devs of Facepunch yet another excuse to end with Linuxsupportbuilds.
Pausing the development of an AC won't be innocuous to our platform.
i'm 100% with you and i'll be the last one defending any anticonsumer practice by Epic. But while bad for everyone, it is still possible to pause one platform. I really hope it's just a small break of a few weeks as someone suggested though...
Also, Garry said this on [Reddit]( today:
Ya I responded to him on that and it looks like he downvoted me. Its really sad tbh. A majority of his issues would be solved if he changed his attitude, but it doesnt seem like he's willing. Seems his development skills are lacking and his immaturity abundant.
TBH, I think most people playing his games are immature, potsmoking boys still living at their moms house who praise him for beeing like he is.
@liamdawe The mere fact that you apologize for "jumping the gun" is a proof to me that you want to build a transparent and honest community, and I praise you for that. Indeed you now have way more influence than a few years back, so now you need to be careful with that new responsibility ;)Also this just this . No for real though this is the reason why I love GOL as a website you own to your mistakes , and also do updates and follow ups when a news is still unraveling.
Keep up the good work!
I'll try to update my progress when I think about it.
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