Fear not Linux gamers, you too will be getting in on the action as Blood: Fresh Supply is coming to Linux.
It released yesterday for Windows, however in the official Discord for Nightdive Studio's when they announced the release they actually said "(Mac and Linux soon™️)". What will be interesting to see, is if they're doing it in-house or if they will be continuing to work with Ryan Gordon to port it for them like previous games. Linux support was also confirmed on Twitter.

Direct Link
Originally released by developed Monolith Productions way back in 1997, this obviously comes with a lot of improvements. Take a look at what Nightdive said it has:
- Updated using Nightdive Studio’s KEX Engine
- Vulkan, DirectX 11 and OpenGL 3.2 support, play with unlocked framerates!
- Antialiasing, Ambient Occlusion, V-sync and Interpolation support
- Support for high resolutions including 4K monitors
- Fully customizable keyboard and controller pad support
- Extended modding support, including support for already existing mods
- Completely rewritten netcode supports up to 8 players:
- Play online in co-operative mode, kill each other in “Bloodbath” or split the difference in classic 4v4 team-based “Capture The Flag” mayhem
- Battle it out in local split-screen action
- Roll your own soundtrack with full CD and MIDI music support
- Look fully up and down with a new 3D view, or stick with the classic BUILD-engine style!
It also includes the original Plasma Pak and Cryptic Passage addons. I never got to play the original, so I'm pretty happy to know it's coming to Linux. That's what's great about Nightdive doing this, I'm sure there's tons of others who've never got to appreciate older games like this.
Blood: Fresh Supply is available on Humble Store, GOG and Steam. I will let you know as soon as the Linux version is live.
Hat tip to Jolltz in our Discord.
I don't believe movie playback is supportedWell that already makes a case for subj
And if those
inaccuracies and bugsdon't spoil the exp too much, it could be worth a try...
I don't believe movie playback is supported (you could hack them in in various ways but I'm not going to get into it). For the CD tracks you can rip them to FLAC or OGG at the very least.NBlood has move playback, but you have to extract them from the CD image included in the “previous” GOG version.
Fresh Supply has a TON of inaccuracies and bugs.
Still waiting on Nightdive to port System Shock Enhanced Edition to Linux. I figured they'd do it soon after the Kex update.
There's this for the interim [shockolate](https://github.com/Interrupt/systemshock)
Damn, I can't wait for this!
Last edited by Mblackwell on 10 May 2019 at 10:09 pm UTC
I don't believe movie playback is supported (you could hack them in in various ways but I'm not going to get into it). For the CD tracks you can rip them to FLAC or OGG at the very least.NBlood has move playback, but you have to extract them from the CD image included in the “previous” GOG version.
Fresh Supply has a TON of inaccuracies and bugs.
Same goes for BloodGDX. From the readme.txt of BloodGDX:
How to add cutscenes to the GOG and Steam version of Blood:
— Download and install IZArc2Go: http://www.izarc.org/downloads
(you can also use your favorite CD images manager like Daemon Tools)
— In the game folder, find game.gog file and rename it to game.bin.
— Open game.bin in IZArc.
— Extract "movie" folder into the game folder.
I used gCDEmu on Linux to mount game.gog (game.bin) image in order to extract movie directory.
Last edited by rea987 on 11 May 2019 at 8:56 pm UTC
The inaccuracies and bugs are things like freezing ai, disappearing geometry, crashes, floating decals, hitching, physics and sector movement bugs, and a whole host of other issues.They are in original Blood too.
Now waiting for Redneck Rampage remaster and for ability to buy Heretic 2 and maybe Hexen 2 somewhere legally.
Last edited by axredneck on 11 May 2019 at 9:57 pm UTC
Now waiting for Redneck Rampage remaster and for ability to buy Heretic 2 and maybe Hexen 2 somewhere legally.
HeXen II:
Don't higher your hopes for Heretic 2 which is published by Activision that is known to lose legal documents of their back catalogue, therefore effectively causing games to fall into legal limbo, obscurity and abandonware.
By the way, Heretic 2 is available in some places and works natively just fine. ;-)
I think it is only reasonable to point out that, despite having the official blessing of Atari, this port is essentially the same as NBlood or BloodGDX in that it is a reverse engineer made with no access to the original game's source code.
Doesn't BloodGDX utilize leaked Blood alpha source code therefore remains faithful to original physics and weapons handling?
I know it's too much to ask but wouldn't a spreadsheet that compares features of those source ports and engine reimplementations as well as the original a good idea?

Last edited by rea987 on 12 May 2019 at 9:11 am UTC
I know it's too much to ask but wouldn't a spreadsheet that compares features of those source ports and engine reimplementations as well as the original a good idea?
That's a good idea. Please feel free to create such a spreadsheet. :D
HeXen II:
Данный товар недоступен в вашем регионе
I know it's too much to ask but wouldn't a spreadsheet that compares features of those source ports and engine reimplementations as well as the original a good idea?Sure, it would not be a bad idea, but considering Fresh Supply and NBlood only came out within the last few months, and BloodGDX is still in active development, things are still changing rapidly at the moment.
The inaccuracies and bugs are things like freezing ai, disappearing geometry, crashes, floating decals, hitching, physics and sector movement bugs, and a whole host of other issues.They are in original Blood too.
No they are not.
Waiting with credit card in hand...
yes, but no linux yet.
Any chance Liam could try and inquire with Nightdive on the status of the port?
MIA as it seems.I did, they didn't reply.
Any chance Liam could try and inquire with Nightdive on the status of the port?
So did I. Neither did they.MIA as it seems.I did, they didn't reply.
Any chance Liam could try and inquire with Nightdive on the status of the port?
Honest, caring management.
I say spam them with polite requests on SocMedia?
Last edited by mos on 8 Nov 2019 at 9:34 am UTC
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