This is your once a month reminder to make sure your PC information is correct on your user profiles. A fresh batch of statistics is generated on the 1st of each month.
You need to be logged in to see when you last updated your PC info!
You can see the statistics any time on this page.
If you want your details to actually be included in the monthly survey, be sure to head here and tick the box labelled "Include your PC details in our Monthly User Statistics?" and hit the "Update" button at the bottom, it's opt-in and you can uncheck it at any time not to be included in future statistics gathering.
PC Info is automatically purged if it hasn't been updated, or if you don't click the link to remain in for 2 years. This way we prevent too much stale data and don't hold onto your data for longer than required. If this is still correct and it has been a long time since you updated, you can simply click here to continue to be included. If this isn't correct, click here to go to your User Control Panel to update it!
Note: Some people still have Ubuntu-GNOME and Antergos set as their distribution, since neither actually exist any more with Ubuntu-GNOME now just being Ubuntu and Antergos announcing their shut-down both will be removed soon as options.
I would be a bit curious regarding Wayland vs X :)
It's super encouraging for Linux gaming and it's actually very easy now without making any major sacrifices to your game library.
How would be the best way to phrase it?

The percentage change is the same, but the amount of people is wildly different. It's the same for several other stats too, not just this one. It's just extra visible here due to so few variables.
Edit: I guess I can see why that's confusing, since I'm doing it directly against the previous percentage and not the actual percentage difference.
Update: I've now corrected that to be the actual percentage difference, not the plain change. Better?

Last edited by Liam Dawe on 25 May 2019 at 6:18 pm UTC
"Do You use X or Wayland session ?"
Last edited by axredneck on 25 May 2019 at 5:56 pm UTC
Sorry, I'm not a graphics expert.
This svg logo should be correct
use steam play for a quick test applies to "When was the last time you used Steam Play to play a Windows game?"
my poor antergos, has been installed on my computer since 2015 (time passes quickly)... :'(
I need a fast method to install arch (fast for me, arch users don't shoot me please <3 )
some users are trying to keep the spirit alive in a "new" distro.
Post politely offered by google translate, I don't trust my rusty English :D
Thanks :)
Wouldn't uninstalling the programs from the Antergos repo and then removing the repo work just as well?
On another note, the tiny percentage changes month-on-month could be explained by people just forgetting to answer the survey question one month and remembering on another month, as well as people joining and leaving the survey. I think the trends are more applicable, when you view user count across multiple months, rather than percentage change across one month.
Last edited by g000h on 25 May 2019 at 9:07 pm UTC
How many people have an SLI or Crossfire setup?
And how many graphics cards, 2, 3 ,4?
[Here you go]( :)
It might "work", but it's not Arch and won't be supported by the Arch community.