We're in for a sadly longer wait than expected for the first-person shooter Insurgency: Sandstorm [Steam], as it's not coming until next year for Linux.
On a recent Twitch broadcast during the free weekend, it was asked in their chat "Linux will be released along with consoles or after?" to which the Lead Game Designer, Michael Tsarouhas said (here) "We haven't really announced our Linux or Mac release either, but we will just have to update you later, right now we can say we are focused on the PC post-release content and the console releases.".
After which, the Founder & CEO Jemery Blum, also jumped in to say "I think for Linux and Mac it would be fair to say sometime next year is the likely window for that, it may start out first as sort-of like a beta, we won't necessarily announce that we support Linux and Mac on the store page immediately but we will roll out a Linux and Mac build and announce that to the community, it may not be fully stable and fully polished yet but to us the way that we develop and the size of our team, that really seems like the best way to go about getting our way to a Linux and Mac release".
So it's very much still coming, but it won't be until next year and it will get a beta version first. I don't blame them for focusing on the larger markets but it's quite a long wait now, since it was released in December last year. Hopefully when we get it, the gameplay will be nicely polished.
Hat tip to Jolltz.
On the other hand, yep, I'll wait for the native version!
hopefully we get this working with proton soon.
Which signals the developer to ditch a native version alltogether. Could actually be an interesting approach: Tell the Linux folks that a native version will come "in the more or less forseeable future" to avoid alienation, then do nothing and hope Proton works out.
And I don't see EAC working in Wine/Proton. If they actually managed to get a properly configured EAC to work with Wine, I'm sure that EAC will be changed so that it won't. Not as a spiteful act, but because it means that EAC failed in its primary objective.
Even if I were to play on Windows, it still remains overpriced and I heard the game performs poorly. Oh and the player base is low.
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