We know that Valve are slowly working on an overhaul to parts of the Steam Client and we have more shots of it according to a leak.
The leak source comes from SteamDB, who noted on Twitter "A work in progress version of the new Steam client interface leaked through an update to the Chinese CSGO launcher. We're currently digging through the changes, we'll post more if we find anything noteworthy.".
With some help from folks in our Discord Channel, I've been able to give it a run:
Additionally, SteamDB noted how it seems the syndicated news section on Steam Library pages has gone, so perhaps this means an end to random news items showing up that are often nothing to do with the actual game you're currently on. It could be that this is as a result of things like this happening:
However, official Steam store announcements for each game remain (as seen in my own screenshots above with Rocket League), so it's just no longer pulling in news about games from other sources which makes sense, although I'm sure some found it useful.
The Library Search has also seen some interesting updates, which I am sure will please many. For those who sort their games into different categories, you're in for some changes. They're now called a "Collection", which you can find any time like so:
You can also use the search, along with some filters and then save that as a Collection of games to quickly jump back to:
All looks pretty good, far better than what we have now easily. The new search filtering options make it painless to find games you might not have played for a while, especially nice when you have almost 1.5K games like me.
There's also a new slick hover feature for trading cards, which does look really quite cool. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before it's out in some form for everyone. You can also see Tyler McVicker (Valve News Network) take a look around in this video.
If you wish to try it, the download that will likely vanish soon (or Valve may ask to remove the link) is here. Use it at your own risk, I am not responsible for anything that happens. Remove everything after the ".zip", then extract the steamui folder into "~/.steam/steam/steamui". Then add "-newlib" to the end of your launch argument for Steam itself, in the terminal it's simply "steam -newlib" to see it.
The timing of this coming out seems far too convenient, an easy way for Valve to get some free advertising around E3. Not that I'm complaining, I've been waiting for this for a long time.
Article updated with new screenshots and info after first-hand testing.
Hope they have a do-not-annoy-me-with-useless-pictures-aninimations-and-features-in-my-library switch in the options.
Do this happen to the rest of you too, and anyone know why?
Last edited by Beamboom on 9 Jun 2019 at 6:49 pm UTC
Not directly related but speaking of the Steam client: Nowadays whenever I start the client it starts downloading shader pre-caching content for a lot of my games. Like, every single day. Mostly the same handful of titles too, amongst them *always* Fallout 4.It's part of Steam feature for shaders to reduce stuttering in games for us.
Do this happen to the rest of you too, and anyone know why?
Nowadays whenever I start the client it starts downloading shader pre-caching content for a lot of my games. Like, every single day. Mostly the same handful of titles too...
Do this happen to the rest of you too, and anyone know why?
Yes; it seems simply restarting Steam will cause it to want to re-download a bunch of shader caches it just downloaded.
Not gotten it to work =/
The library just showed a blank window for me, until I realized I had put the steamui folder in the wrong spot. Once I put it where Liam said, it worked. ;-)
Of note is that they have eliminated the "Linux games" vs "All games" views. It was nice to see at a glance the counts (how much has my percentage of native games increased?), but that was already broken if you enabled Steam Play globally. Speaking of which, the messaging about the compatibility tool used is missing in this UI (i.e. "Proton 3.16-7 by Valve testing" or "Proton 4.2-5 set by you"). Hopefully they add that back in.
Another issue: if your list of collections/categories doesn't fit in the window, it just gets truncated in the menus (Add To..., Games->Your Collections - I can't see a bunch that are cut off at the top).
When looking at the details of a game, there's a little checkbox in the upper right corner, that says it will toggle a new header style, but when you click on it, it looks like it's to configure where the title gets placed on the game image, or something. Work in progress feature, I guess.
An maybe the ability to browse, download and listen to soundtracks without downloading the whole game.
changing things too much leads to user confusion, anger and loss of income and at a glance it looks like they didn't remove anything that was tried and true but simply expanded and improved what they already had.
Major kuddos, general gamer reception seems to be very positive so far save a few snags that need to be buttoned up. <3

It's part of Steam feature for shaders to reduce stuttering in games for us.
I know about the feature itself - but why does it download a handful of megs with shaders EACH TIME I log on? I mean, do they add new shaders all the time? Or change/update them?
If I had only downloaded once per game, or a new one every full moon I'd not even mention it. But each time I start the client? And mostly for the same games?
From what a Valve dev said, it updates quite often. The initial download is supposed to be large, then smaller constant updates as it changes.It's part of Steam feature for shaders to reduce stuttering in games for us.
I know about the feature itself - but why does it download a handful of megs with shaders EACH TIME I log on? I mean, do they add new shaders all the time? Or change/update them?
If I had only downloaded once per game, or a new one every full moon I'd not even mention it. But each time I start the client? And mostly for the same games?
Well, if they're gonna ruin the detail view I'll permanently switch to list view.
Comparing the current version against the screenshot I can't imagine what functionality you consider "missing" or "ruined".

I think Liam hit the nail on the head with specific developers abusing the system.

Lets be real, if you were hosting a party and someone at your party was swaying guests to ditch your party and come to this smaller more niche party you'd be pissed and probably kick them out of your house and not invite them back.
If I was Valve I'd do a whole lot more and make it violation of TOS and withhold the developer's sales money until they stop trying to piss off big daddy and reconcile their platform abuse, possibly to the extent of developers forefitting their income prior to to the ban hammer and being canned.
Last edited by ElectricPrism on 9 Jun 2019 at 10:02 pm UTC
No matter what they improve the fact will remain…
The only thing that's stopping me from enjoying Feral's work is the fact that Steam is 32bit-only.
No matter what they improve the fact will remain…
What's the problem with that?
It's part of Steam feature for shaders to reduce stuttering in games for us.
I know about the feature itself - but why does it download a handful of megs with shaders EACH TIME I log on? I mean, do they add new shaders all the time? Or change/update them?
If I had only downloaded once per game, or a new one every full moon I'd not even mention it. But each time I start the client? And mostly for the same games?
I feel you. At 0.6 Mb/s (thank you and FUCK you AT&T) I have crap broadband one step up from dial up, and these constant shader caches are too numerous (30+) and take up too much time for me to bother with every time Steam needs to restart. I just turned 'em off and haven't missed them one iota.
Whatever annoyance I might have from a little stuttering is waaayyyy less than the huge annoyance of all that downloading. My advice, Beamboom, is try turning them off.
Last edited by Nanobang on 10 Jun 2019 at 9:34 am UTC
I hope Valve will force publishers to properly tag their games as well because "coop", "local coop" and "shared/split screen" are three entirely separate things.
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