As the first in a series of posts giving out more detail on what Valve wanted to achieve with the Valve Index, a new Deep Dive post is up starting with information about the Field of View. Future posts will also be covering Extensibility and Mod-ability as well as Optics and Clarity so we will keep an eye out for those and let you know when they're up.
VR is something that's completely new to me, I've never owned one and the most I've ever tested is about 30 minutes of a Vive in a local GAME store and it was…weird. I want to be convinced, so perhaps the Valve Index will truly sway me over.
As for the FOV post, Valve said their goal with the Index was to "improve the overall fidelity of the VR experience, including visuals, audio, ergonomics, tracking quality, and more". Interestingly, I wasn't actually aware until this post that you could tweak the HMD's lenses distance to your eyes which is pretty handy and that's on top of the slider on top of the unit to adjust the spacing between the lenses. It certainly seems like Valve have made some interesting design choices, to make it as comfortable as possible for many people.
Also, if you missed it, Cloudhead Games put up a video to give some more details on their work with Aperture Hand Labs which might be worth a watch:

Direct Link
Sadly, I'm not actually sure if we will be able to check it out on the Linux side for those who were curious. Valve originally said we would be getting it, but after previews went up from tons of other sites and YouTubers our emails have gone unanswered on it. It might be a case of it not being ready for Linux just yet or Valve may have just lost our emails, whatever the issue hopefully those who did order it for Linux will have a good time at release. It really is sounding like a good step up for VR hardware, exciting times.
You can pre-order the Valve Index on Steam. If you're going to order the full pack, looks like it won't ship until September 30th currently since they sold-out on the initial batch.
Granted now I need to calibrate it so my head isn't on the floor.
Just got mine! Can confirm it actually works in Linux!! No screen tearing like I was getting on the Vive Pro.
Granted now I need to calibrate it so my head isn't on the floor.
Tell us more when you've adjusted your head!
I'll be doing a live-unboxing, installation and playing games tonight if it indeed does arrive :)
I should be getting mine today according to tracking!Ha, did not do the unboxing because I still need to straighten up my mess of an office.
I'll be doing a live-unboxing, installation and playing games tonight if it indeed does arrive :)
Got the head calibrated, I am still using the original lighthouses, with the new ones sitting in the box.
Compared to the Vive Pro, it feels a lot lighter, fits on the head way easier. Lack of a link box is nice, but it does lose the power button that the Vive Pro has, so it seems to stay on whenyou turn your computer on. I will verify that again after work today when I have more time with it.
The Knuckles take some getting used to and I couldn't figure out how to turn off the safety on the sniper rifle in Hotdogs Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, but man could I hit things with a hand gun quite nicely in it!
Sadly there are some native games (Like Overload) that still want to only display on the desktop. I will try more games in Linux for sure.
Text clarity is amazing on it!
Google Earth has terrible performance, but it seems more due to trying to download/load data than actual computer performance, and that might be because I have other games downloading in Steam. Will report back after that's done...
But also tested out PleVR, which is a Plex client for VR. That worked... except stuck in 'buffering', but then again that's apparently an issue in Windows as well.
Downloading Battlezone now, and Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Handgrenades, which I believe worked before when I had tried it. Also trying 'CMOAR VR Cinema, since that apparently works with Plex. Man I need a faster internet connection....
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