It's not quite the Wine o'clock news but it will do, Wine 4.11 is officially out. The Wine team continues progressing on and it's looking tasty.
Announcing the latest bottle being opened, Wine developer Alexandre Julliard has these new flavours features listed:
- Updated version of the Mono engine, including Windows.Forms.
- More DLLs are built as PE files by default.
- Faster implementation of Slim Reader/Writer locks on Linux.
- Initial support for enumerating display devices.
As for grapes bugs squashed, they noted only 17 this time around which include issues solved with SWAT4, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF), Max Payne 3 and more.
I'm sure I've said this many times, to the point of sounding like a parrot by now but I think the work the Wine team do is truly incredible. The amount they have to support is absolutely insane and they just keep going!
You can find the full release announcement here.
Also, if you missed it, Canonical is planning to drop 32bit support with Ubuntu 19.10 onwards which could pose some issues for Wine. Take a look if you missed it.
And D9VK still work, this is some examples:
Dead Rising 2 (in this title d9vk give around 120fps compared with around 50fps by wined3d)

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
D9VK With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Sin Episodes Emergence

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
D9VK With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
State of Decay

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
D9VK With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
D9VK With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Assassins Creed Brotherhood SP

Last test with Pentium G3258 @ 4.1ghz + Artic Cooling Alpine 11 Plus
D9VK With Core i3 8350K Tri-Core @ 5.0ghz + Zalman CNPS 10x Performa+
Last edited by mrdeathjr on 21 Jun 2019 at 10:28 pm UTC
Bugs fixed in 4.11
45218 Fallout 4 Script Extender fails to allocate trampoline buffers
Nice, I hope this fixes SKSE64 too. Hopefully Proton rebases on more recent Wine soon.
Last edited by VodkaChicken on 21 Jun 2019 at 10:37 pm UTC
Last edited by TheRiddick on 22 Jun 2019 at 5:27 am UTC
Whose Wine is it anyway? Wine 4.11 is out

imo, the pun should be ...[email protected]
Whose wine is it anyway? hic! wine 4.11 is out.
what was that toll free number I should call?
Netframe Work games work with no protontricks
Last edited by massatt212 on 22 Jun 2019 at 12:10 pm UTC
More DLLs are built as PE files by default.What does it mean? What kind of files are DLL in Wine? I thought all DLL files are PE by default, or do it means the file that previously were .so are .dll now?
If so and I understand it correctly, then it's interesting, as it means more MinGW-GCC usage instead of regular GCC, so kinda opposite of DXVK winelib was supposed to achieve?
@massatt212 I'd also recommend especially for those at Arch and deriviatives :)
which include issues solved with SWAT4
Awesome. Unfortunately I didn't manage D9VK to work with it.
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