Slay the Spire fuses together a deck-builder card game with some roguelike mechanics to make it a very engrossing beast and it's set to get a little bit bigger.
After leaving Early Access back in January and going on to sell well above 1.5 million copies Slay the Spire is going to introduce a fourth playable character in a free DLC. Additionally, a large update just went out recently for the game.

Direct Link
The latest update brings in touch-screen controls, which is very handy if you use the Steam Link mobile application to stream it from your desktop. You can enable it using a new Touchscreen mode found at the bottom of the input settings.
I've tried it out using my Galaxy S6 Android phone and it's a little weird, partly because Slay the Spire on Linux can't seem to do fullscreen properly so I still see the KDE panel at the bottom:
I can see why this would be fun though, on a slighter bigger screen say from a Tablet instead of a small Mobile Phone it would be damn fun actually. This is a game where touch-screen controls actually work pretty well!
That's not all the patch added in there's also numerous balance changes, performance improvements, lots of bug fixes and quality of life changes like improved trackpad support for notebooks and so on.
Slay the Spire continues to be an absolute favourite of mine, it's right up in the top 10 games I go back to play more of constantly. There's tons of mods available for it too, some of them pretty huge like the Poker Player or The Slimebound which give you many new ways to play.
You can grab it from Humble Store, GOG and Steam.
Last edited by syntonym on 2 Jul 2019 at 12:25 pm UTC
The source for the announcement are the newest steam patchnotes.Apologies, seems I missed the actual link, it's in now.
Interestingly, on a friends windows laptop where I showed the game off, it didn't fit the screen properly and the "start" button was out of reach, preventing play. It worked fine on another windows computer though. Seems like the engine is relatively new and hasn't been given treatment to work around hardware quirks...
I thoroughly enjoy it, but I don't think the 4th character fits thematically... There are so many 3s in the game - cards have sets of 3, relics have sets of 3, there are 3 shards to collect before fighting the heart, there are up to 3 enemies at a time(reptomancer excluded)... I'm sure the creators can surprise us though.
Last edited by Pikolo on 2 Jul 2019 at 6:50 pm UTC
Slay the spire works just fine for me in borderless fullscreen on Kubuntu 19.04.Weird, good to know it's not a Linux-only thing then. It would probably be fine if I only had one monitor, I do wish people just went with SDL.
Interestingly, on a friends windows laptop where I showed the game off, it didn't fit the screen properly and the "start" button was out of reach, preventing play. It worked fine on another windows computer though. Seems like the engine is relatively new and hasn't been given treatment to work around hardware quirks...
#1 is Tower of Time, a AAA game from a small developer, and an original and unique combat system. HIGHLY recommended.
#3 is Book of Demons, a tribute to Diablo 1, with its own mechanic which does involve cards. It runs like a champ with SteamPlay.
All three are Fantastic, and I've had a wonderful time.
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