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As an update to the Rust situation, Facepunch have now changed their plans for the Linux version. They've decided to offer refunds, as they won't continue it at all.

Previously, their plan was to split the Linux version of Rust from Windows/Mac to at least give Linux owners a working game although without future feature updates. In the new blog post, written by Facepunch's Garry Newman, they "now realise how shit that would be" after talking to the community.

So they've decided refunds are a better option and to not continue the Linux client at all. However, you probably won't be able to refund it just yet. Newman said that Valve need to do some work first, to adjust the eligibility checking. Also "to guarantee that you'll show up as eligible I'd recommend you run Rust on Linux at least once right now" Newman said.

What are the refund rules for Rust when this comes into force?

  • Should have played at least once on Linux
  • Hours played are irrelevant
  • We don't care if you've played on Windows too

Sometime around September 5th this will happen when they pull the plug, which Newman said another blog post will be up to let you know you can refund it.

On top of that, Newman suggested refunding it even if you think you have your monies worth, so you can "use that money to buy a game from a developer that supports Linux well - this is the best thing you can do to help your community".

As for Steam Play/Proton, they will not work against it however they also have no plans to support it and so it's "unsupported by us and could break at any time".

Newman also confirmed the Linux server will continue as normal, since that's how a lot of Rust servers are deployed.

See the full post about it here.

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Tags: Indie Game, Misc, Survival, Unity | Apps: Rust
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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callcifer Aug 15, 2019
Perfectly reasonable response, really. The fact that they are offering refunds regardless of play time (just launching on Linux once is enough) means that they really want to put this behind them and avoid drama.

Judging by how toxic some of the previous comments have been, I don't really fault them.
kean Aug 15, 2019
Nice gesture from them, however I will keep the game after 700 hours in it and hope for an anti cheat support in Proton.
TheRiddick Aug 15, 2019
Hopefully they can work with Valve to make it so the windows version runs decently via steamplay.
Avehicle7887 Aug 15, 2019
I didn't comment on the previous thread regarding the split however I didn't like the idea either, it would be an unfair treatment to give Linux users an inferior game when they paid the same as other platforms. Offering a refund was the sanest choice they could make.
rapakiv Aug 15, 2019
five hours on record, but 0 of gameplay.
Ehvis Aug 15, 2019
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I wonder how big the spike in Linux "users" will be after an announcement like this. Without details, some non-Linux players might just see an opportunity to refund their game after a huge amount of hours. To avoid that, Valve would have to give them access to who actually purchased the game on Linux or hand that job over to Valve. Definitely not something that has been done before.
trawzified Aug 15, 2019
I wonder if I can get anything back if I bought it via a third party reseller. Probably not :(
Rooster Aug 15, 2019
So if I buy Rust right now, I'm essentially getting it for free, or basically for borrowing money. Not bad..
Tchey Aug 15, 2019
Steam is in pain right now, or it's me ? Super slow and often disconnecting.

Well, at least after a few tries, i'm there :

QuoteJan 6, 2014 - Rust Alpha - 18,99€
You have a pending refund request for this product.

2014 already ! Time runs...
Liam Dawe Aug 15, 2019
Quoting: TcheySteam is in pain right now, or it's me ? Super slow and often disconnecting.

Well, at least after a few tries, i'm there :

QuoteJan 6, 2014 - Rust Alpha - 18,99€
You have a pending refund request for this product.

2014 already ! Time runs...
Missed the part where they said not to do it now I see ;)
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