Superstarfighter is a FOSS local multiplayer game made with Godot Engine that continues to impress me and the latest update is out now with more great features.
v0.5.0 released around a week ago adds in a new additional variant to the game modes, to add a snake-like feel where instead of launching bombs at your enemies, you need to get them to fly into your tail to take them out. It's a pretty fun mix-up actually!
The background grid has also seem some updates, to act a little like Geometry Wars. So for example when a bomb blows up, the background gets warped and it actually looks pretty sweet. It's simple but a nice polishing touch to make the game look a little more impressive overall.
If there's one major complaint I have about Superstarfighter right now, it's that it dumps you right into the player picker. It needs a proper main menu, so you can set things up how you want first. Being able to pick what game modes you get and in what order would be nice. I hope they get around to improving that eventually.
Other than the menu issue, it's already a very fun game. I love the Hive game mode where you need to cover the most tiles in your colour:
The game is also now available in French, Italian and Basque in addition to English.
See more on the official site and download from I can recommend using itch's open source client, to help keep all your games up to date. You can also find the source on GitHub under the MIT license.
Hopefully it will also get a Geometry Wars mode at some point ;)
[A new version]( of the game has been released! :)
It features match customization, a new game mode and lots of improvements. It also automatically updates if downloaded from [the itch client](
Give it a try if you want!
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