The Horn update for Sunless Skies went live on July 30th adding in a highly requested feature, the ability to toot. There's, uh, other things as well of course.
Sometimes we just want simple things and tooting your horn in Sunless Skies was apparently the "second most requested feature since launch". So, they added it in with a note that "The horn has no gameplay effects whatsoever, but we think it sounds quite nice. You're, umm, welcome."—hah.
More interestingly, they did add some other fun stuff. Multiple creatures and locomotives have new attacks, improved AI or visual updates. They also included a quick look at the "much more menacing Scrive-Spinsters":
They look delightfully horrifying!
For those travelling through Eleutheria, you should keep an eye out for more variety in the agent encounters as well. They also added nearly 100 new ambient messages, Blue Kingdom spawns have been adjusted for difficulty, Vitrified Structures will sometimes now reward captains with Condemned Experiments, Abandoned structures now have a chance of spawning Guest Dreadnoughts and much more.
Full update notes can be found on their official blog post.
Also, they've announced the Hoarder Update is coming next as well, which will include:
- A new officer: the Chiropterous Hoarder! Recruit a winged horror of profound cunning and unreliable manners. Rumoured to have once been one of the Masters of old London, this peddlar of immortality has fallen on hard times. Take it on a macabre journey to perfect a new method of prolonging life. Perhaps you might become friends on the way. Perhaps you might become more...
- Engine upgrades. Your locomotive will receive a new slot for engine equipment. When equipped – and when you have enough crew members to take full advantage of a superior engine – your locomotive will be able to travel faster, at a premium in fuel...
- An opportunity to construct an additional transit relay. This will be a substantial undertaking, but once complete, it will provide captains with a quick and convenient route between two previously unconnected regions of the Skies.
You can find Sunless Skies on Humble Store, GOG and Steam.
It felt a bit like playing GTA, but being unable to toot aggressively.
Weird as it sounds, I was somewhat disappointed when I played the game and couldn't toot the horn.Don't you know that proper society frowns on blowing your own horn?
It felt a bit like playing GTA, but being unable to toot aggressively.
In all seriousness, I do think it's a nice feature to have. It's like jumping in FPS games: It's often not handy, but it gives you something to do if you're wandering about.
That might explain some of the reactions I've earned...Weird as it sounds, I was somewhat disappointed when I played the game and couldn't toot the horn.Don't you know that proper society frowns on blowing your own horn?
It felt a bit like playing GTA, but being unable to toot aggressively.
That might explain some of the reactions I've earned...Weird as it sounds, I was somewhat disappointed when I played the game and couldn't toot the horn.Don't you know that proper society frowns on blowing your own horn?
It felt a bit like playing GTA, but being unable to toot aggressively.
But, mind the children...!
I did!That might explain some of the reactions I've earned...Weird as it sounds, I was somewhat disappointed when I played the game and couldn't toot the horn.Don't you know that proper society frowns on blowing your own horn?
It felt a bit like playing GTA, but being unable to toot aggressively.
But, mind the children...!
That angered people even more...
That angered people even more...
But, in all seriousness, thinking of the children:
The very first thing I told mine about cars and trains was "toot toot!",
to the extend that one of them thought "toot-toot-car" would be a single term for car. :)
Cars and trains totally need to be able to do the toot!
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