Valve continue to push out changes rapidly to their auto-battler Dota Underlords, with some of their upcoming plans now being detailed in a fresh update.
One big new feature planned to be available in a few weeks is a new Duos game mode. Valve say it's a new way to play cooperatively with a friend. You party up and battle against other teams and it will support both Casual and Ranked play.
The actual Underlords are going to be making an appearance soon too. This feature Valve said they're "excited" about, as they're a "core part of the game". They haven't said how they will work but they will "add a layer of fun and strategy to every match" so I'm very curious to see what happens.
In addition, there will be new heroes and alliances to expand the roster, UI updates and so on.
They also made a note that everything is subject to change, some features might appear that aren't on any roadmap as they're trying to react quickly to feedback. See the full post here.
Loving the sound of what they're doing with it and it continues to be a regular coffee break game for me. For those of you playing it, what do you make of their plans?
As always, you can find Dota Underlords free on Steam.
Seriously though, I've been playing a little less recently because most games are 45 minutes to an hour! It's just too long for such a casual game.
Still very addictive though.
A coffee break game? Pffff. Only if you're 8th, matey! :DI'm a solid 6th okay...
About the upcoming changes/updates still nothing to say. I will wait to get my hands dirty first and spend some hours into the game and then comment on them. A huge plus for me regarding this game is the mobile client and how it performs. It's really stable and with no issues for me until now. I really don't think that playing on a "tiny" screen like your phone is equivalent to "gamer person", but these types of games are a perfect match for mobile devices and when you are just sitting on your couch and don't have anything better to do.
Fingers crossed and let's wait and see..
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