ATOM RPG, the game inspired by the likes of Fallout and Wasteland continues to get some big free updates with an Isometric mode out now giving you a new way to play.
While the team is currently working on the Trudograd standalone, it was originally a feature meant for that but they decided to give it to everyone free—awesome!
The Isometric mode isn't all that's new, ATOM RPG expanded in some other ways too. These include: pausing the game when minimized, new Steam Achievements, new sounds and a bunch of overhauled sounds, a new ragdoll system, you can now pause and load during the enemy turn, improved global map sprites and the list goes on with plenty of bugs being solved too. For Linux specifically, they said an issue with random symbols appearing in character biographies was fixed.
Pictured: The new Isometric mode.
We also missed some other updates since posting about it recently. They also gave it Gamepad support, improved minimaps, new random encounter locations, two new weapons with the VSSM and Saiga-A and other smaller features.
As for the upcoming standalone, Trudograd, they said work on it is going "swimmingly".
Last edited by TheRiddick on 23 Sep 2019 at 11:54 am UTC
My confusion about aesthetic decisions aside, the huge updates are one of the reasons I love ATOM. There's something heartening about the way the devs keep enriching their creation.
Last edited by TheRiddick on 23 Sep 2019 at 12:37 pm UTC
I scratch my head over what an isometric view might bring to the game, what's the attraction? I'm not knocking it, but doesn't ATOM already have an aerial-view of things?
They're appealing to the nostalgia of Fallout 1 & 2 players.
Huh? What was it before, if not isometric? How is this different?
Isometric view has no perspective. The normal view does.
Huh? What was it before, if not isometric? How is this different?As another said, part of it is nostalgia and appealing to people who played classic Fallout games. Before the camera was quite different, this is more locked down and it does give the game a different feel from my time running around with it.
I scratch my head over what an isometric view might bring to the game, what's the attraction? I'm not knocking it, but doesn't ATOM already have an aerial-view of things? (I own it, but haven't played it yet.)
Huh? What was it before, if not isometric? How is this different?
Isometric view has no perspective. The normal view does.
This. In regular 3D aerial view the buildings at the top edge of the screen are smaller than the one at the bottom because they are farther away from the camera. The isometric view does not simulate the perspective scaling, so an object always has the same size on the screen no matter how far ‘from the camera’ it is placed.
Also, because of this, vertical objects in the isometric view rise all at the same angle, while in regular aerial view they are skewed at different angles from the virtual camera and so they rise at different angles on the screen.
Compare the trees and walls on the screenshot in the article with eg. [this one]( Or [this one](
While the regular aerial view is more realistic, the isometric view is more like a map – still looking kinda realistic, but giving you a better overview of the terrain.
They can get french, spanish, deutch, swedish, etc. in couple of weeks
I won't buy due to that, I can play in english but not my teenager.
edit: but really nice to have introduce isometric view, it's my preferred view! Ô nostaligia of civilization, diablo, fallout time in isometric view (I'm too old, I go taking my pills)
Last edited by Geppeto35 on 23 Sep 2019 at 3:20 pm UTC
Feels more reallistic/immersive given the location the action takes place.
I can't understand that those games are not yet translated at least in text using the community. We have google translate and other kind of tools to do that for cheap, and communities ready to check and refine this first translation.
They can get french, spanish, deutch, swedish, etc. in couple of weeks
I won't buy due to that, I can play in english but not my teenager.
I took part in the community effort to translate Wasteland II to German. At least one of the volunteers was very eager, but at the same time his translations were not too good. I ended up playing in English.
Maybe, if you don't know enough English, this is better than nothing. Or maybe it's a chance to learn English?
it does give the game a different feel from my time running around with it.
Isometric view has no perspective. The normal view does.
The isometric view does not simulate the perspective scaling, so an object always has the same size on the screen no matter how far ‘from the camera’ it is placed.
ahhhhh - so that's what "isometric" means - I thought it was just a name of one of the common perspectives, we have 1st person, 3rd person and isometric. :) Now I learnt something new!
But what do we then call the perspective I thought was called isometric?
Last edited by Beamboom on 24 Sep 2019 at 7:40 pm UTC
But what do we then call the perspective I thought was called isometric?
"Bird's eye view"?
Either that or just third-person.But what do we then call the perspective I thought was called isometric?
"Bird's eye view"?
Either that or just third-person.But what do we then call the perspective I thought was called isometric?
"Bird's eye view"?
No, that can't be the same, although technically it of course is. But 3rd person view in gaming context is the over-the-shoulder perspective, when you see your character in front of you, isn't it? That's how I'd define it at least. But I've proven to be wrong before, so. :)
"Birds eye" is a legit and common term, I just kinda felt there was a shorter term as well. Like "ismometric" ;).
"Top-down" would work too, I guess. Although then I expect the perspective to be 90 degrees above, not slightly on the side.
Oh well. At least I now know what isometric is :D
Last edited by Beamboom on 25 Sep 2019 at 7:58 pm UTC
Oh well. At least I now know what isometric is :D
Well, technically isometric also means that you view the coordinate system at an angle of 45 degrees to the side and 45 degrees down. Or in other words, looking at the origin from coordinate 1,1,1. This is how it applies to technical drawings. But since the coordinate system is not showing in games, it tends to be a bit more flexible on viewing direction. Always viewing down though! It would look majorly weird if you could see far away without a perspective projection.
There's no proper set definition for third-person, just that you see your character. So eh, the shoe fits.
I dare you find one game described as "3rd person view" that's not a behind-the-character perspective :) (don't do it, I'm sure you'll find an exception :p )
But linguistically you are of course right.
Last edited by Beamboom on 26 Sep 2019 at 7:08 am UTC
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