It's Monday, there's not enough caffeine in the office, it's raining outside but on the bright side there's plenty of games for Linux on sale right now.
First up on Steam we have a new week-long set of deals, you can find all of them for Linux using this link. Some highlights over there include:
- The Signal From Tölva - 75% off
- Overfall - 75% off
- MidBoss - 67% off
- Dying Light - 66% off
GOG also just recently started their own weekly sale which does include some fine Linux gaming picks like:
- Dex - 80% off
- Pyre - 60% off
- Besiege - 50% off
- Brigador: Up-Armored Edition - 40% off
- Kingdoms and Castles - 30% off
- Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - 30% off
Meanwhile over on the Humble Store they're doing a Kalypso Publisher Sale with some gems to find:
- Dungeons 3 - 75% off
- Sudden Strike 4 - 70% off
- Crookz - The Big Heist - 60% off
- Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus - 40% off
- Rise of Industry - 40% off
Humble also have the XCOM games on sale too so you can pick up both XCOM: Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2 super cheap and they're absolutely worth it! XCOM 2 is one of my all-time favourite strategy games, especially with the War of the Chosen expansion (also on sale) it becomes such a massive game.
While not Linux gaming related, it's still a Linux thing - Humble just put up a Linux & UNIX book bundle that might interest some of our readers.
Finally, Fanatical have a great deal going on Tabletop Simulator with 60% off and it's only there for a limited time with around two days left or when they run out of keys. Looking around, it's the best deal it's ever had so if you've been on the fence now is a great time for it.
So in order to get the 'old-fashioned' (?!) drm-free pdfs, the bundle is a good opportunity.
Last edited by walther von stolzing on 1 Oct 2019 at 1:13 pm UTC
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