It's Friday morning, I've got my coffee ready so let's go over what's going on what Paradox Interactive. They've got a lot going on right now!
Firstly, it seems Crusader Kings II has gone fully free to play. This doesn't appear to be time limited either, the Steam store page properly states it's "Free To Play" and on Twitter, the Crusader Kings official account said "This is not a joke - Crusader Kings 2 is free to play!".
Considering it has a rather large amount of DLC, it's seven years old and it's been given out temporarily free for keeps before, it seems like a good idea to set the base game free for everyone now. Looks like a ton of the DLC is also 50% off.
Speculation time: we also know that Paradox Development Studio will be announcing a new title at PDXCON this weekend, so perhaps it will be the next Crusader Kings? We already know it's not Victoria 3 and according to my check on SteamDB, Paradox just setup Crusader Kings as a Franchise on Steam. All this together, certainly seems like Crusader Kings III could be what's coming.
Plenty of Paradox games are on sale on Steam too like:
- Prison Architect - 75% off
- Shadowrun Returns - 75% off
- Stellaris - 75% off
- BATTLETECH - 66% off
- Surviving Mars - 66% off
- Tyranny - 50% off
- Pillars of Eternity - 40% off
- Imperator: Rome - 33% off
There's more, including some big starter packs with the base game + DLC expansions for multiple titles. Head on over to the Humble Store page, GOG store page or the Steam sale page for all the info.
I have Crusader Kings II but I'm afraid to start playing it. I need to keep some of my hours for other things.
"Other Things" are overrated when you're about to burn Burgundy for insulting your great grandmother.
I have Crusader Kings II but I'm afraid to start playing it. I need to keep some of my hours for other things.
"Other Things" are overrated when you're about to burn Burgundy for insulting your great grandmother.
Absolutely, you need to set priorities...!
This remains the best game I've played on Linux. Going Free to Play might scupper the hope of a complete edition anytime soon but it is hard to be churlish when they're offering so much content for no money at all.I don't know, multiple people on the forums are prophesying that this means the end of development on it (and thus a complete edition might be closer than we think). It's had two fairly meaty free patches since the last DLC, back in…the early part of the year? *checks wiki* Wait, Holy Fury came out about a week shy of a whole year ago‽ Wow. No announcement of any kind of upcoming DLC in that time, which is unusually long. In fact there's been a lot of radio silence on the forums from the devs for a while now…
Thus the speculation that this signals the announcement of CK III at PDXCon this weekend. I dunno if I 100% agree—could be that they've simply been saving an announcement of the next DLC for PDXCon—but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
In all seriousness..This is a great game. As it turns out I really enjoy roll-playing a whole dynasty in medieval times. Paradox games give you lots of freedom and choices. I do not think we will get CK3 now though.
PS: Totally forgot.. did you guys know that gog is giving The Witcher: Enhanced Edition for free? (after you subscribe to their newsletter) [link]( (Non native but.. It looks like it works with wine so..)
Last edited by SadL on 18 Oct 2019 at 10:55 am UTC
While laughing (I was still thinking about that Burgundy burning joke..) I saw that "Europa Universalis IV: Collection" on steam only has a windows icon.. I got really confused so I looks like e-books are a windows only thing..they have some really strange technology that can read some mysterious files called pdfs..I kid you not..
Doesn't sound like something that will ever become widely accepted...
I have Crusader Kings II but I'm afraid to start playing it. I need to keep some of my hours for other things.That's the trouble with it. I've had it almost since it came out, and I've only played one game right through from start to finish. Okay, that accounted for about 250 hours, and the mighty Hiberno-Hellenic Empire of Britannia came to be the greatest in all Christendom, but still... one game.
so perhaps it will be the next Crusader Kings?
World of Crusader Kings for PC(EGS), PS4, XBOX1, Apple and Android.
Last edited by Mal on 18 Oct 2019 at 12:23 pm UTC
People have been speculating about CK3 for a while already, but recent updates really make it seem likely. Holy Fury did a big pass of the game, reviewing a lot of stuff, Iron Century was completely free, and it has been almost a year without a paid DLC... the game was given for free as an experiment a few times already, it had a very complete humble bundle, and so on. I think the only question is whether they will announce/release something else first, but I think it is definitely coming.
And frankly, CK2 has a few things where the engine/the basic game mechanics themselves could use improvements. The UI feels outdated in a way that simple layout changes wouldn't work, and a few systems like minor titles or holdings have moved in a direction very different from where they started - I can't help but wonder how provinces would work if they didn't have to use workarounds to add hospitals, nomad counties, republican palaces and so on.
I'm still hoping the "new grand strategy game" they are going to announce is something new, though, and not just a sequel to a "current gen" game like CK2.
I hadn't noticed how it was worded, I assumed it was just a free weekend, but looks to be free forever?
With free weekends this is shown and the purchase option remains available. Since the purchase option is gone, it is not temporary.
I actually purchased Victoria 2 over the last couple of days (Silver rating so far on SPCR, but plays like gold for me). That has made me hope that a Victoria 3 would be out before a CK3
I hadn't noticed how it was worded, I assumed it was just a free weekend, but looks to be free forever?
With free weekends this is shown and the purchase option remains available. Since the purchase option is gone, it is not temporary.
Yeah, I just had missed that at first glance. The text that it "goes free to play for PDXCON" deceived me.
CK2 was the game that encouraged me to finally consider linux as a main platform oh so many years ago, being one of the first games i owned that supported linux native. I dread to think how much money I've spent on it over the years but I've gotten the value from it, with many memorable games under my belt. Going free to play is not going to hurt paradox's finances whatsoever, because of the plethora of great addons to purchase for it.
I actually purchased Victoria 2 over the last couple of days (Silver rating so far on SPCR, but plays like gold for me). That has made me hope that a Victoria 3 would be out before a CK3
Same, as one of my favorite games (and enjoying their other games too) it really helped make the switch. Civ5 was the other big one at the time - I couldn't play all my games, but I could play my 2 favorites.
Victoria 3 is a meme by now, because 2 is quite unique and became a cult but is also really outdated. So every new release people (including Paradox employees) joke that it is Victoria 3. But Paradox already said, more seriously, they think it wouldn't have enough public, and considering the expectations people have I think there is no way it would ever succeed. Grognards will complain about every single change, in particular those that modernize the gameplay in any way, and then everyone will complain that it didn't change enough. Frankly, I think their joke dating sim "Victoria's 2 Secrets" will come out first.
While laughing (I was still thinking about that Burgundy burning joke..) I saw that "Europa Universalis IV: Collection" on steam only has a windows icon.. I got really confused so I looks like e-books are a windows only thing..they have some really strange technology that can read some mysterious files called pdfs..I kid you not..
In all seriousness..This is a great game. As it turns out I really enjoy roll-playing a whole dynasty in medieval times. Paradox games give you lots of freedom and choices. I do not think we will get CK3 now though.
PS: Totally forgot.. did you guys know that gog is giving The Witcher: Enhanced Edition for free? (after you subscribe to their newsletter) [link]( (Non native but.. It looks like it works with wine so..)
I noticed the Windows-only symbol as well, it half scared me and I half thought it might be the save converter from CK2 (that thing is so buggy I would believe if they told me it only works on MSDOS). I find it hilarious, especially because Linux has better options out of the box for opening e-books of all kinds (including PDF). When I used Windows, I remember I had to go and manually download a pdf viewer or open pdfs with my browser because it lacked such a basic feature.
I mean, Paradox does great games, but their terrible habits of DLCs rain that contain basic features and balance features without fixing issues in the meantime can and should be a seriously sickening at this point.
People complain at GAAS and lootboxes, but games in kit that goes flat from 30-40€ and are still barren into the 150€ to 200€ (the first only include gameplay related DLCs), and yet they are still seen as OK... And I'm not even against Add-Ons. EU3 had those. But they didn't rained nor brought features that the AIs could use but you couldn't because you didn't paid for it...
And possibly broken that make things straight up lies: EUIV cross-platform was broken for 2-3 years, but still advised as functional in the shops, and don't tell me paradox didn't fucking knew, there was tens reports from Linux players. And the bug wasn't impossible to fix: Stellaris and Hearts of Iron didn't had that desync problem!
Let me get that straight: we are talking about years of game dev, but if you consider a 150€ bundle on a price to be a good bundle for newcomers, there is something wrong, and thanks god they actually don't require all players in a multiplayer game to own them, because nobody would fucking start playing a year after a game launch. And there is features behind that load of money: take EUIV. The most obvious being development of provinces and paying for them: it break the game. You can't tech anywhere but in Europe, playing tribes in America? Well, guess you gonna get screwed by the Europeans. Playing a kingdom of Africa (including Ethiopia)? Guess whose coming!
I'm not against people making money, but at some point one shouldn't have to buy the DLCs just to be on a even field with the AIs (which may not be an obvious problem because of how terrible the AI is actually, but even if Paradox wanted to fix it, it'd be impossible because of that), or to know what you have for a multiplayer game (which isn't the sole game mode, hence it's problematic when you don't know the mechanics those DLCs bring...)
A great game, but the money making plan make dealers look like a nice people that do their thing out of the goodness of their heart.
Last edited by MisterPaytwick on 19 Oct 2019 at 7:05 pm UTC
So temporary free to play and with only around at least 50€ of DLCs to have a quite complete game?It's permanent free to play, it looks like.
It's permanent free to play, it looks like.
Yep, I fixed it, but I was basing that part on the article because I didn't knew better.
Yep, I fixed it, but I was basing that part on the article because I didn't knew better.Yeah, the wording was definitely a big ambiguous. "Free to play [in honor of|because of] PDXCon!" would've been a lot clearer than "Free to play for PDXCon!"
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