Lab Zero Games and publisher 505 Games today officially release Indivisible, a very curious blend of action platforming with RPG elements. Note: A developer provided a key for us.
It's been a long road, after being announced back in 2015 with a successful crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo it very much delivers. Honestly, I don't know where to really start with Indivisible. It's blown me away. This might be one of the most colourful and gorgeously designed games I've played in a very long time. It reminds me of the first time I played Bastion, it looks incredible.
To explain the genre mix a little first so you know what to expect from it. You're running around in a side-scrolling action and exploration platformer and when you initiate combat, you're thrown into a four-button mashing contest as you launch your characters forwards with each character assigned to a specific button. It's not entirely original (I've seen it being done in Valkyrie Profile) but it's the first I've personally experienced of it and to me, they absolutely nailed it. Especially nice that combat just happens exactly where you are, instead of warping into a special combat zone.
Although the ability to have combat in your immediate position does sometimes cause an issue, if you're right next to a wall. This causes space to be incredibly tight and cramped, making it even more chaotic than normal and it doesn't give you much time to react to defend as the distances between sides are so short. It's pretty rare though and can be avoided.
Combat can be quite a trial for your fingers and brain too, as you're not just responsible for their attacks but their defence at the same time pressing their action button when they're close to being hit. With four characters, it can feel a little crazy and overwhelming at the start. The action is just so damn good though, it's a joy to play. There are elements of a proper fighting game in the combat system too, like your special Iddhi meter that you see in the top left of the above picture, which when full allows you to unleash a special attack from whatever character you pick.

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When I was first given access (and only a day before release too), I didn't want to put it down. I've now managed to sink in around 5 hours and I'm still enjoying every moment of it. I will admit the start is a bit confusing, I honestly thought they accidentally gave me a save game near the end due to the intro but the starting scene just sets up everything that's to come. Masterfully done too, the cut-scenes are excellent.
I think they could have done a bit better at explaining how some bits of the combat work though. The whole game feels a bit like it's just pushed you through the door with a pat on the back. It's not overly complicated but feels like it needed more of a helping hand in the initial first hour to teach you the ins and outs of the different kind of attacks you can do. I'm still confused at times. Like Ajna switching between Axe and Bow during combat, I don't remember it being explained and it seems to happen at random with barely any in-game info to look over to check.
"Hop into my brain!"
The main character, Ajna, has a power that not even she understands at the start. Somehow, she's able to suck people into her mind in some sort of alternate dimension she carries along with her. What's amusing, is that characters are still able to talk to you when you've absorbed them. It gets weirder though, Ajna can go into this special zone herself to go and have a chat with her companions.
The assortment of characters you meet and who join you are excellent in their variation too. Not just in terms of their abilities but their personalities too. Someone you meet early on, Razmi, is possibly my favourite. A really glum looking person, with some hilarious and creepy dialogue. Just look at them, they have a tiger on their head.
Quite on point with the humour that one of their abilities is "Glare".
What absolutely surprised me was the writing. It's a lot better than I was expecting. Ajna is obviously still quite young and the way she's written reflects it quite well in various encounters. Her lack of experience and childishness shines through in a way that's actually quite charming.
Some characters can have rather witty remarks and there's a lot of genuinely funny moments, with plenty of serious parts sprinkled in too that feel like they all hit the right marks.
Indivisible is also quite an accessible game, mainly thanks to just how awesome the controls feel. Playing with the Steam Controller has been a perfect experience, it felt completely natural. Everything about it feels so streamlined, so doable.
Most of the game is not supposed to be a tricky platformer though, although there are some sections I did have to repeat a few times (looking at you, mountain!). There's a few jumping sections where you need to activate blocks, then hop between them before they vanish and it is a challenge. Leading into the accessibility part though, when jumping between platforms and blocks you only need to tap the jump button at the right time, no worrying about which way you're pointing and at times that makes it quite effortless and smooth.
While it can be tricky, I've never felt like it was punishing me. Times where I failed I could easily see why, once I finally got the hang of it.
There's a huge amount of little touches to appreciate too. One that really got me, that I didn't actually notice until an hour or two in was that when you save and come back to that game, the menu screen is exactly where you left off. Tap your button to continue, Ajna ties up the bottom of her outfit and off you go it's ridiculously seamless and gorgeous all the way through with those kind of features. Just look at this:
As for the Linux version, this might be one of the best prerelease experiences I've had on Linux. Not a single crash, performance has been smooth and everything I saw worked perfectly.
Could this now be my favourite game of the year? There's been a lot of tough competition. I've thoroughly enjoyed Little Misfortune, Devader, Dicey Dungeons, Streets of Rogue, SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, Surviving Mars: Green Planet, Pathway, Baba Is You and so many more but Indivisible feels like a cut above the rest. I'm giving this a top recommendation.
You can pick up Indivisible from Humble Store, GOG and Steam.
No, thanks.
I don't get it. The trailer looks like turn-based combat, the Steam page says real-time combat. Liam, please enlighten me!Kinda blurrs the lines.
"505 Games"…
No, thanks.
What's wrong with them?
"505 Games"…You don't win over publishers by not buying games.
No, thanks.
"505 Games"…You are 99% pretexts for not buying something, I cant hardly believe you buy anything. Stop kry...g.
No, thanks.
I don't get it. The trailer looks like turn-based combat, the Steam page says real-time combat. Liam, please enlighten me!
It looks so Valkyrie Profile, I cant wait. VP you play like a platform game but when you touch an enemy you enter in a traditional RPG game style with combos. This looks pretty much the same.
"505 Games"…
No, thanks.
"505 Games"…You don't win over publishers by not buying games.
No, thanks.
Did 505 actually make the decision to pull the plug on Bloodstained, or was that the dev, ArtPlay? Seems a bit odd that the publisher would make that call.
Several publishers have a mix of Linux and Windows-only games in their stable, but I'm not sure where 505 stands.
You don't win over publishers by not buying games.True. But in this case "505Games" has already shown its true colors (by outright rejecting refunds even after the sales money started flowing in and by hiding all dev's contacts from backers -- ArtPlay is virtually unreachable).
If you are suggesting I should throw them even more money in order to "win them <over>", then, sadly, I don't see a point.
The only <partially> redeeming aspect for the "Lab Zero Games" (who are, honestly, a true victims here and, if anything, it is them who we should "win") is that they probably signed the contract with "505Games" before "Bloodscammed" happened.
So, I do not suggest everyone to ignore the game due to sh…ady publisher. "Lab Zero Games" are OK as far as I know.
You are 99% pretexts for not buying something, I cant hardly believe you buy anything. Stop kry...g.You can always check my GOG profile. I am not hiding unlike the majority.
And, please, refrain from personal insults from here on, OK?
And yeah, this looks like my kind of game. I think I'm gonna have to pick it up, but now that I've upgraded to the latest Ubuntu LTS, I think I might send my money back to Steamworld Quest instead - I refunded it when it didn't launch on Ubuntu 16.04. And it looks awesome.
Then I'll probably buy this.
I couldn't get my PS4 controller to work in-game, but it works relatively fine with having Steam map the gamepad to keyboard input...
Maybe this is helpful for someone else:
I couldn't get my PS4 controller to work in-game, but it works relatively fine with having Steam map the gamepad to keyboard input...
That's bizarre, I just tried mine (connected via USB) and it even recognized the correct button prompts.
UPDATE: It's also fully compatible via bluetooth.
Last edited by DaiKaiser93 on 11 Oct 2019 at 5:59 am UTC
If its 505 that pulled the plug, they might have had the same issue. Maybe timelines would have broken when ArtPlay continued fiddling on a linux version?
Either way, 505 delivered this one on Linux, so I reward them for this. I am eager coming home to play this gem.
I don't get it. The trailer looks like turn-based combat, the Steam page says real-time combat.It's similar to some (older) JRPGs where you have to wait for your AP bar to fill up before you can do anything, but it's not turn-based in the sense that there's a fixed order in which characters do things or that you have time to think about your next move. In fact, combat in this game is rather fast-paced.
Unfortunately it doesn't really do a particularly good job at explaining its systems so it might take some figuring out and getting used to at first.
Anyway, fun little game with fantastic visuals, and no technical issues with the Linux build so far.
Last edited by YoRHa-2B on 9 Oct 2019 at 12:29 pm UTC
You can always check my GOG profile. I am not hiding unlike the majority.
And, please, refrain from personal insults from here on, OK?
Before logging in:
This profile's section is private
Alm888's current privacy settings limit visibility of their activity
After logging in it just doesn't show the games (for me). Looks a lot like some kind of browser/website bug...
It does though show that you have 156 games.
Maybe this is helpful for someone else:
I couldn't get my PS4 controller to work in-game, but it works relatively fine with having Steam map the gamepad to keyboard input...
That's bizarre, I just tried mine (connected via USB) and it even recognized the correct button prompts.
UPDATE: It's also fully compatible via bluetooth.
Yeah, turns out that I had some udev rules trouble. I don't know what exactly was missing, but I had the curious situation that whenever Steam was running the device nodes for the PS4 gamepad just disappeared from /dev/input...
Non-Steam games worked perfectly fine, because, without Steam running, the device nodes were there, as they should be.
I've now re-installed the Steam udev rules (from ) and since then the PS4 controller device nodes no longer disappear when opening Steam. Still, I'd really like to know what was going on there.
Last edited by soulsource on 13 Oct 2019 at 12:05 pm UTC
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