Bridge Constructor Portal was a surprise highlight when it released in 2017, an unlikely crossover between two completely different games and it worked. Thanks to the positive reception, more is coming with a twist.
"You haven't escaped, you know."
The Portal Proficiency DLC is releasing on November 12, with 30 new levels. In the original, you were only building bridges and watching everything crash and burn. Now it sounds like it will be a little more hilarious, as you get to place the portals too.

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I've already requested a review key for the DLC, so stay tuned for some thoughts around release day. I can only imagine how many little trucks are going to be destroyed when I attempt it.
- Use portals, aerial faith plates, propulsion gel, repulsion gel, and much more to master the complicated tasks
- Evade dangers such as sentry turrets, emancipation grills, laser fields, and acid
- The merging of two worlds: the first Bridge Constructor with an official Portal license
- Let GLaDOS accompany you through tricky physics adventures
One thing I wish it had, was a quick way to share your failures and triumphs with some sort of quick gif/video capture like other games have. That would be sweet.
Don't own it yet? Grab it from Humble Store and Steam, it's good. Once you finish the main content, it does have a level editor with Steam Workshop support too with close to two thousand community-built puzzles to try out.
Great concept, but I wish the gameplay had been more interesting.
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