Continuing to boost the feature set of the post-processing layer for vkBasalt, a new release is up and it appears we missed a few smaller in-between releases too.
Version 0.2.0 was released yesterday, adding in support for SMAA which is a higher-quality form of anti-aliasing which can be enabled in the config file. With that in vkBasalt now supports: Contrast Adaptive Sharpening, Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing and Enhanced Subpixel Morphological Anti-Aliasing so it's advancing quite quickly.
There's also a new option in there to allow you to enable multiple options at once, 32-bit support is easier with it all now under a single "ENABLE_VKBASALT" variable, improvements to the config system to allow the config file to have white space and you can now change settings like the "subpixel Anti-Aliasing strength for FXAA". A few bug fixes also made it into this release.
Instructions to download and build it can be found on the GitHub page. You can see a comparison from a previous version in our last article on it.
Do I understand this correctly when I assume you could add post-processing where there is none, or where it's faulty? Does it work with Proton?Works with Proton yup, and yes that's the point of it to add in. However, it has drawbacks as it applies it to the whole screen so even UI elements get it.
Do I understand this correctly when I assume you could add post-processing where there is none, or where it's faulty? Does it work with Proton?Works with Proton yup, and yes that's the point of it to add in. However, it has drawbacks as it applies it to the whole screen so even UI elements get it.
Still a great idea. It will have its appliances! :)
I'm almost disappointed Liam doesn't pun-ish these news as much as the Wine ones ;)
Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 20 Nov 2019 at 2:09 pm UTC
This would also open up the possibility to have a UI to tweak stuff.
I wonder if this will eventually become like Reshade is on windows, which is pretty popular.
I hope so. But I understand Reshade [works on Linux too.](
For example, reshade worked fine with Battletech via proton (native version is a bit slower). But recently I did a system update or something and now it crashes the game exe. VERY hit and miss..
Last edited by TheRiddick on 21 Nov 2019 at 1:10 pm UTC
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