Eleventh Hour Games have decided to slow down their roadmap, take a little more time and get it right with Last Epoch now moving to a full release being in Q4 2020.
Originally planned to leave Early Access in April 2020, that's quite a big delay. Speaking about it on their forum, they said they will be using "this extra time to ensure that we arrive at 1.0 at the highest possible quality while having adequate time to continue acting on your feedback". Not something you can argue with, too many games release early.
Anyone who pre-purchased the game to only get it at the full release, either through supporter packs outside of Steam or on their original Kickstarter will still be getting access in April—so that's a nice way to handle such a delay.
The next major update of Last Epoch is in progress, they said the aim is to have it out before the holiday season sometime this week. Sounds big too with a whole new chapter, overhauled inventory system, item gambling, new skills, performance improvements, offhand items and so on.
You can follow it/pick it up now during Early Access on Steam. Not seen Last Epoch before? You can see the trailer below:

Direct Link
So, thanks to this bug -- https://forum.lastepochgame.com/t/couldnt-connect-to-the-server-on-some-unsupported-linux-distros/15512/8 -- this is sitting in a folder called "unplayable". They, of course, have not bothered to respond in any meaningful way, but its good to see that at least some people on linux can play it.Haven't had any issue connecting on Manjaro. Still, it's Early Access and issues are to be expected. If you get anything before it's finished, you should be prepared for issues.
I also feel weary about 115 skill trees?! I am already really slow at creating characters. I've taken an hour before when a game has tons of options. I will have to promise my friends that I pre-create my character before we play Last Epoch together! I am hoping the tree is fairly linear once you start down a path and don't have to choose too much to get started.
Even though this is one of my most anticipated games, I have plenty to eat up my time already and am totally willing to wait for a more complete game.
u can move cast skilss etc. but u see only black screen under the game HUD.
30 min trashed.
Quick fix.. deleting unity engine config files under home .unity3d folder of the game makes everyting fine again.
Last edited by Kuduzkehpan on 17 Dec 2019 at 4:09 pm UTC
The program is eating all of my RAM until crash... and before that I just have an empty/black window. :|
It's a totally fresh install. :S:
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