Sad news today Linux gamers, Psyonix emailed us directly to make sure we saw the news that they're officially ending support of Rocket League on Linux and macOS.
Their published statement on this was quite short and didn't really explain much:
As we continue to upgrade Rocket League with new technologies, it is no longer viable for us to maintain support for the macOS and Linux (SteamOS) platforms. As a result, the final patch for the macOS and Linux versions of the game will be in March. This update will disable online functionality (such as in-game purchases) for players on macOS and Linux, but offline features including Local Matches, and splitscreen play will still be accessible.
If you purchased Rocket League for Mac or Linux on Steam, the game will still work with full functionality when installed and played on a computer running Windows 7 or newer.
So the Linux and macOS versions will still be there, but left old and online play will be disabled. Not good. Not good at all and as a huge Rocket League fan I'm not pleased—annoyed you might say.
This "new technologies" bit was interesting, perhaps they've decided to go DirectX 12 with an Unreal Engine upgrade? At this point we can only speculate with so little information. In the expanded support page, for Linux they mentioned playing Rocket League with Steam Play Proton is possible although they will not be supporting it.
When Psyonix became part of Epic Games back in May last year, many speculated that Rocket League would not only drop Linux support but also leave Steam. I didn't think either would happen but here we are, Psyonix has still never said they will continue to sell the game on Steam only that it would see "continued support". Originally, I thought meant it would go free to play, but with this move it seems a little more likely it will move over to the Epic Store which doesn't support Linux.
Update: Psyonix are now suggesting to request a refund from them on their support portal.
Update 2 - 24/01: Psyonix are now telling us "macOS and Linux players can reach out directly to Steam to request refunds and they will be honored. In these cases, Steam will make an exception to their 2 hours limit rule.". Their own support ticket team are now also saying to ask Steam for the refund, although Valve has denied my own refund twice.
In situations like this, Valve ideally need a better support system in place or at least an option of platform removal to get around the usual way. As we end up going in circles.
Update 3: After making their PR team aware what was going on with the refund situation, they've now released a statement on Reddit. Refunds will be accepted on Steam now, plus they gave the reason behind removing Linux and macOS support.
It's what I suspected as written above, they're upgrading to a higher version of Direct X which is a problem as the "macOS and Linux native clients depend on our DX9 implementation for their OpenGL renderer to function" and they're not willing to put resources into Vulkan/Metal for Linux/macOS when the combined player-base was apparently "0.3%" of the active total and when "viable workarounds exist" with Wine being mentioned.
They could have gone for Vulkan though to get Windows + Linux (and Stadia) and possibly even macOS with MoltenVK. It's a shame another company decided to stick with a proprietary API. That said, it may not have been possible if they're on quite an old version of Unreal Engine.
If you do get a refund for it, be sure you use that Steam Wallet funding for a developer that does support Linux. Make it count.
Quoting: legluondunetFor the moment you can still play this game, why to ask for a refund now?That's reasonable and I hope whoever goes that route enjoys it.
Wait until you will have a real good reason for asking a refund: if they add EAC protection for example.
There's some speculation of EAC being added. While I don't think that idea has much merit, the point still stands that support has been withdrawn and we're out of luck if something should break. I don't know if refunds would be honoured then, and would rather just jump ship now instead of worrying about such.
The whole ordeal of Psyonix selling out to Epic, the crates and then blueprints nonsense, the worsening server experience, the growing toxicity amongst random players and how Psyonix/Epic are now treating their Linux and Mac customers has all left a bad taste in my mouth.
I think I'm just done with this game and want to move on.
Quoting: pete910Keeps getting refused, Whats the link to do a ticket to valve ?Account details -> Purchase history -> rocket league -> I have a question about this purchase -> write to valve
Quoting: Liam DaweQuoting: pete910Keeps getting refused, Whats the link to do a ticket to valve ?Account details -> Purchase history -> rocket league -> I have a question about this purchase -> write to valve
Then they could have all the latest flashy Unreal Engine bling and all the DRM, anti cheat and MTX they could imagine. The E-sport circus would just move to the new game and everyone would still have the classic game.
Alas... :><:
Quoting: legluondunetFor the moment you can still play this game, why to ask for a refund now?
Wait until you will have a real good reason for asking a refund: if they add EAC protection for example.
Later it might not work... They're processing the refunds now, and there should be backlash to a bad decision.
I will ask for a refund only the day where the game does not work anymore with Wine/Linux native.
After all I bought this game from a bundle offer (Rocket League + Portal 2) at low price, I don't take a big risk.
But I can understand the disappointment form all Linux gamers which bought this game hoping they support a native Linux AAA game and developers.
Last edited by legluondunet on 27 January 2020 at 3:39 pm UTC
Quoting: HoriCan I get my account ported to Playstation?No unfortunatly, you have to start from scratch
Quoting: officerniceI quit the game because of the horrible community that inhabits it.I solved that problem by disabling global voice and text chats and only playing teamed up with friends.
Quoting: HoriCan I get my account ported to Playstation?
Don't you have to get a Playstation 5 plus to play online even if you own it on Playstation 4 ?
At least that's what I heard.

I'm really afraid for the long-term support of their (so impressive) Unreal Engine for our platform.
Question regarding the refund:
I've bought RL using the humble store. Is it possible to get a refund on the steam wallet for such a case?
However, if the outlook is not good, I would rather get my refund now then wait. Rip the band-aid off, as it were.
Quoting: EverLinuxEpic follows opposite trends by funding open-source projects like Krita or Blender through mega-grants while excluding Linux from their store (and now from Steam with that!)... like if they try to buy back themself.:O
I'm really afraid for the long-term support of their (so impressive) Unreal Engine for our platform.
Question regarding the refund:
I've bought RL using the humble store. Is it possible to get a refund on the steam wallet for such a case?
Yes there is a way. See Liam's post.
I don't believe that the Unreal Engine is that impressive. Sure it has some of the bleeding edge stuff and a low barrier for entry... But so does Unity, and that engine has many more games I like; like Dungeons, Homeworld Deserts of Kharak.
Oh and Godot engine. We NEED to make a blockbuster based on that engine to make it prime time!!!
Quoting: ExpalphalogAs someone who knows little-to-nothing about the "under the hood" parts of Linux, how likely is this to be working on Steam Play in the future? It's the only cross-platform game that my friends on the other side of the country play together and I would rather keep playing with them than get a refund.
However, if the outlook is not good, I would rather get my refund now then wait. Rip the band-aid off, as it were.
Not sure about DX11 and how well wine works with that.
Also as some have pointed out , if they implement Easy Anti Cheat (EAC) you can consider it dead. That cannot be run on Linux and attempts to do so may be seen as cheating and land you a ban.
Refund and if it works with Proton later get it back on a sale.
Only bad part you can only refund base game , not DLC and other stuff you may have bought.
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