Using their own state-of-the art custom voxel graphics engine named Voxoid, Puppygames have formally announced their next game with Battledroid.
Did you ever want to play games like Revenge of the Titans against other players as if you were playing a traditional war game? Now you can with BATTLEDROID!
Coming with Linux support just like their previous games Basingstoke, Revenge of the Titans, Ultratron and more this is something quite different. It's a strategy game on a massively multiplayer grand-scale. It takes elements from tabletop games into the massively multiplayer world, with factions fighting for control over an entire planet.

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The way it works is that the world is divided up into a huge hex-grid of territories, each harbouring a game resource. As you pick a place to attack and hopefully conquer, everyone else will be doing the same. As you conquer territory, you collect different kinds of units all with different stats, abilities and battle costs.
It's going to be free to play, with all content unlocked over time as you play and all players share the same army budget. You will be able to pay money for "pre-made army sets, or single colossal titans to crush your enemies with" however to keep it balanced you can't go over the total unit cost so no one is overpowered. They're promising no grinding since it's free, as "the game has no repetitive, pointless tasks: every battle is for real, against real enemies, for real advancement".
For a strategy game fan, it sounds like a huge amount of fun. Capturing and defending territory, watching huge explosive battles happen in real-time after planning, then come back the next day to see how the territory of the world has changed.
You can now follow it on Steam and you can also support the Linux-friendly developer on Patreon. Once it has a release date, we will let you know. There's also more information on the official site.
Otherwise it would look interesting.
To say I am not a fan of the F2P business model would be the understatement of the century, so I am not sure. I have yet to see a F2P game that's NOT designed to suck unless you cough up dough and keep coughing up dough. And if developers claim otherwise, it's usually...well...not quite true.
Otherwise it would look interesting.
I have found Path of Exile and Warframe don't suck very much.
MMO = instantly dead for so many reasons, like them shutting down their servers and killing the game, and the fact this game won't be very popular.For how the game works, it doesn't need a large player-base or for players to be on at the same time. That's what makes it so interesting.
If they allowed hosting your own server, things would be a lot better, but still perilous if the gameplay demanded a high player count.
To say I am not a fan of the F2P business model would be the understatement of the century, so I am not sure. I have yet to see a F2P game that's NOT designed to suck unless you cough up dough and keep coughing up dough. And if developers claim otherwise, it's usually...well...not quite true.
Otherwise it would look interesting.
I have found Path of Exile and Warframe don't suck very much.
Agree - F2P is like voice-over narration in films, most of the time it's a bad sign but there are plenty of great exceptions one can point to. Anyway this isn't the late-aughts, F2P is here and hasn't killed the industry so we can all relax about it :D
Respect to these guys to keep trying new things, revenge of the titans was one of the first great linux native experiences I had, Ultratron was an absolute blast, and I played and loved their two earlier games too. I didn't give Basingstoke an honest shake, and I'm not much of an MMO player so I'm not sure this one is for me, but these guys have definitely done enough for thelinux gaming community to earn our rapt attention.
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