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2D strategy and business simulator 'Plutocracy' now available on Linux

By - | Views: 18,689

Want to have a go at 'big business'? Plutocracy is a 2D strategy and business sim that will let you attempt to build up your business empire along with all the politics that comes with it.

Developed by Redwood, who said they were directly inspired by Theodore Dreiser's the Trilogy of Desire, Plutocracy is currently in Early Access after running an IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign our contributor BTRE covered on GOL back in 2018. Looks like it was a success to and as of this week, they delivered a Linux build that's available now on Steam too. You can see some of their early footage below:

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It's a little hard to grasp exactly what you will be doing, even after reading through all the material on it as it sounds like there's quite a lot of depth with it being a grand-scale business sim where you start from nothing and gradually build up a financial empire. It's not just choosing buildings, workers and dealing with the stock market though, there's a whole political system involved in it too. Plutocracy is heavily based on the USA political system, and you're able to influence local and regional policies with plenty of tricks up your sleeve like hiring lobbyists to push your agenda or work directly against competitors.

You can find Plutocracy on Steam. Their current plan is to finish development this year, with the full version to include multiplayer which could be interesting for such a business sim.

We've also added it to our dedicated crowdfunding page, since it was successfully funded as it's one we missed from listing there.

Hat tip to NuSuey.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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sketch Feb 19, 2020
this seams like my kind of game
Purple Library Guy Feb 19, 2020
Seems interesting. I'd like to see how the lobbying and stuff works.
the3dfxdude Feb 20, 2020
In game play it sounds like the Democracy game, but now instead of being president of a country, you are a CEO. That could make have an interesting perspective if politics is a main game play feature.

Since it was claiming to be a business simulator too, I looked for details on how it worked, but the trailer and site doesn't explain much. The site said something about having ways on automating the business so the game doesn't get bogged down. I'm wondering if they are inspired by political culture more than the business management side of things then. There is the game called Capitalism, that you really do get down to running a company in very fine details, and the interface has a great amount of polish that it all flows smoothly after running through the excellent tutorial. The game Capitalism 2 (Labs) is still getting updates today being originally released in 2001, so there is already a pretty large game in this genre. So it'd be interesting if Plutocracy is going to be a business sim when completed.
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