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Today, Team Reptile announced they have officially released a Linux build for their intense sports game Lethal League Blaze.

Lethal League Blaze is an intense, high speed ball game, with unique characters, outta sight sounds and none of that weak shit. In Shine City, the anti-gravity ball game has long been illegal. The group who kept playing was dubbed the Lethal League. Even now, with their sport pushed underground, players and crews compete in the League for challenge and respect.

Something I've been looking forward to, after only getting around to playing the previous Lethal League title last year (I was super late on it) and enjoying it immensely. In an announcement on Steam, they just sort-of dropped it in at the bottom after mentioning DLC and tournaments.

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Just some of what to expect from it includes:

  • Up to 4 players: Play locally AND online with up to 4 players.
  • Easy to pick up, hard to master gameplay: Start off simply hitting the ball faster and faster back and forth. Improve by learning how to use Smashes, Bunts and Special Abilities to your advantage. Then go further beyond with parries and countering with throws ending with the pure psychological goodness: taunts.
  • Tons of unlockable extras and secrets: Unlock characters and their outfits as you play. New modes and stages are in there too and even the soundtrack can be unlocked to play at leisure.
  • Play on your own: Step up to the plate by yourself and beat a series of opponents in the Arcade Mode to reach the beat-blasting bossfight. Then check out the event-based Story Mode that has you playing all sides of the going-downs in Shine City.

Fantastic to see Team Reptile get to the Linux version, good things come to those who wait too as it looks like a great upgrade over the first game! From thousands of user reviews on Steam it has an overall rating of "Overwhelmingly Positive" too, so it must be good.

You can pick it up on Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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BrazilianGamer Feb 21, 2020
So cool to see this game on Linux. Instabuy
Purple Library Guy Feb 22, 2020
"ball-smashing game" sounds rather painful. I am reminded of Douglas Adams' "Meaning of Liff"
QuotePelutho: A South American ball game in which the balls are whacked against a brick wall with a stout stick until the prisoner confesses
Egonaut Feb 22, 2020
Hmm, looking on the Store Page screenshots, it has the same levels like Lethal League. And even from the feature description I don't see any new. What exactly is the difference which makes it worth to buy Lethal league Blaze?
TheSyldat May 12, 2020
Quoting: EgonautHmm, looking on the Store Page screenshots, it has the same levels like Lethal League. And even from the feature description I don't see any new. What exactly is the difference which makes it worth to buy Lethal league Blaze?
The game is made in Unity this time around , netcode is cross O.S , New Characters with new abilities , A TON of new mechanics , SOME soundtracks are now made by Nagamasu San (the guy who Made JetSet Radio's soundtrack )

And many many many more things I am forgetting about buuut yeah the game is a solid improvement.
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