Originally Universe Sandbox 2, Giant Army has since stopped selling the original and the 2 was wiped from the name. A massive space simulation game about screwing with physics, creating and destroying.
Just recently, they put it up for sale on GOG so if that's your preferred store you're in luck. It's still not finished though, it's in Early Access (or rather just In Development as GOG say) so it's not perfected yet.

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I'll admit that I've not followed it along for a very long time, after releasing with Linux support on Steam back in 2015 so it's one of the longer running Early Access titles. Very interesting though even back then when it had far less features than it does now.
An impressive game that lets you act like a god, as you throw planets and stars around and perhaps add a black hole in the middle just to see what happens (I might have done that a few times…). As a massive fan of everything spacey and out there, the scale of it is absolutely mind-boggling.
Find it now on GOG.com or Humble Store and Steam as before.
This is a real question, not trolling: is there an actual gaming element to Universe Sandbox? Like, any game mechanics, campaigns or objectives? It always seemed to be just a toolbox for physics, with the initial "gamey" part just an excuse for the user to get acquainted with the controls and possibilities of the engine. Nothing like, say, Kerbal Space Program.
I'd say: No.
It's just a very decent astrophysics simulator with a nice interface so you can easily mess around with planets, a solar system, the universe and everything.
There's a lot of predefined scenarios where you can have a closer look at some real historical events and examples of theoretical events. You can either look at how the universe works (planets, stars, galaxies, etc. interact) or you can create your own one (including playing around with some physical constants).
But there's nothing like missions or anything like it. Tutorials to get you started, but that's it. It's some sort of astro-physical sandbox if you're interested in that kind of stuff.
Regarding the state of it: I'd say it has the quality of a production/release version and it gets constantly updated with new features (for free! no DLCs! so far...).
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