Using the swipe left or right mechanic found in titles like the Reigns series (which are good fun), Democratic Socialism Simulator is now available.
"Enact radical reforms, tax the rich, transform the economy, tackle the most pressing issues without alienating voters or bankrupting the government. But beware: the ruling class won't give up its power easily. Even your closest allies may turn on you."

Direct Link
The developer said it's supposed to be something like a "Sanders" style US presidency, with the aim to "entertain, enrage, provoke socialist-curious players as well as comrades on the front lines of the political revolution". A game I've no doubt will indeed provoke some kind of rage, since politics is a sensitive subject for some when talking about games. At least the name, Democratic Socialism Simulator, doesn't exactly leave anything to your imagination. If you pick this up, you know what you're getting.
Feature Highlight:
- Hundreds of choices based on existing policy proposals
- Randomly generated scenarios and multiple endings
- Room for different play styles, ideologies, and strategies
- A cast of extremely opinionated anthropomorphic animals
- Original Soundtrack by Jesse Stiles
You can pick Democratic Socialism Simulator up for $5 on
It's weird how in the trailer, all the progressive options are on the right.Maybe the developers think it's just the right thing to do...
Anyway, not swiping right on this one.
For a moment I let myself think that maybe this was going to be about implementing communes, deciding between worker-owned factories and state property, whether to abolish money/markets or not, how to survive the inevitable outside attacks and sabotage, this kind of stuff.
Last edited by randomgamerguy1997 on 21 Feb 2020 at 2:23 pm UTC
What does socialism have in common with its supporters? Neither have ever worked.
I know it's just a joke, but it's not even remotely based on any truth. Jokes tend to be funnier if there's a hint of truth in it.
What does socialism have in common with its supporters? Neither have ever worked.
I know it's just a joke, but it's not even remotely based on any truth. Jokes tend to be funnier if there's a hint of truth in it.
But it is the truth though

What does socialism have in common with its supporters? Neither have ever worked.
I know it's just a joke, but it's not even remotely based on any truth. Jokes tend to be funnier if there's a hint of truth in it.
But it is the truth though
Yeah, sure. And during the time when the Socialist Party had majority in parliament where I live, the majority of people were unemployed...
Just to put that in perspective, I'm talking about the government run by Bruno Kreisky, and the 1970s oil crisis. Unemployment rates were below 3.5 percent, in spite of the economic crisis. There was of course a downside, and that's deficit spending. However, I'm quite sure that people prefered having a job over not having a state budget deficit...
And, because sadly you have to state such things explicitly today: No, I'm not trying to say that the Kreisky government was perfect, or that deficit spending is always a good idea.
Just saying that it's not true that all socialist supporters never worked.
oh, wait, this was made by Americans
Molleindustria is from Italy. They don't mean it 100% serious, but they also are not just making jokes, I think.
I don't like expressing my political opinions since this a gaming site. But since the purpose of this game is to create controversy and debate, here's my two cents.I'm not in love with Peronism, but first, I presume that a lot of Argentinians disagree with you because they do after all repeatedly elect Peronists, and second I find it hard to swallow equating say Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner with fascism when Argentina has its very own experience with genuine fascist rule not so long ago, complete with tens of thousands disappeared, tortured et cetera.
Here in Argentina we have a party that has govern 24 of the last 30 years. The peronism, they are sort of a "light" fascism, that their leader and founder was heavily inspired in Mussolini. And... oh surprise, suprise! they are left fascism, and they are friends with Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, etc.
The trailer doesn't tell a lot. And "socialism", "democratic socialism" and "social democracy" are different things. The first being very different from the last two.
funny how political stuff mean different things in different parts of the world I agree too much northamerican centric for my taste. They have a problem with right wing populism, here the problem is left wing fascism/populism.
And Sanders should educate himself, he said that in Argentina there is socialism... no mister here we have fascism, press is being chased and the justice system is being bought off.
So, you a Macri supporter?
Dude. There are people on these boards who know things about political economy. If your level on the subject is like this, better to just bail from arguing the topic.What does socialism have in common with its supporters? Neither have ever worked.
I know it's just a joke, but it's not even remotely based on any truth. Jokes tend to be funnier if there's a hint of truth in it.
But it is the truth though
Incidentally, while it's true Bernie isn't a socialist no matter what he claims, I'm actually rather glad he calls himself one. First, because his use of the word has gone a good way to breaking the taboo on it. And second, because they were going to call him one anyway so he might as well call their bluff by embracing it. Heck, I've seen people and pundits with a straight face call Obama a socialist! Obama, the neoliberal bank bail-out expert whose health care plan was cribbed from Mitt Romney! If they can call Obama a socialist you know they'd never shut up about Bernie being one; if he'd tried to say he wasn't one and explain the difference between socialism and social democracy he'd have been on the defensive for the rest of his career; trying to explain he wasn't a socialist would be the only thing he'd ever have had a chance to say.
I don't like expressing my political opinions since this a gaming site. But since the purpose of this game is to create controversy and debate, here's my two cents.I'm not in love with Peronism, but first, I presume that a lot of Argentinians disagree with you because they do after all repeatedly elect Peronists, and second I find it hard to swallow equating say Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner with fascism when Argentina has its very own experience with genuine fascist rule not so long ago, complete with tens of thousands disappeared, tortured et cetera.
Here in Argentina we have a party that has govern 24 of the last 30 years. The peronism, they are sort of a "light" fascism, that their leader and founder was heavily inspired in Mussolini. And... oh surprise, suprise! they are left fascism, and they are friends with Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, etc.
The trailer doesn't tell a lot. And "socialism", "democratic socialism" and "social democracy" are different things. The first being very different from the last two.
funny how political stuff mean different things in different parts of the world I agree too much northamerican centric for my taste. They have a problem with right wing populism, here the problem is left wing fascism/populism.
And Sanders should educate himself, he said that in Argentina there is socialism... no mister here we have fascism, press is being chased and the justice system is being bought off.
So, you a Macri supporter?
Peronism is fascism that's a fact I think there is an [english version of this book]( , I recommend it.
[here is another book ](
I find it hard to swallow equating say Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner with fascismThe peronism we have now is not fascism like killing ppl, but they are corrupt as hell and they want to control all the press, the workers , the means of production, and control the justice system.
It's a well known fact that Perón was a fan of the Duce, it's well documented that they had nazis refugees, he created Unions exactly the way Mussolini did, also he was friends with Franco... CFK represents the Peronistas, so ergo she is a fascists, that's it period.
Go google it there is plenty of data on why Perón is a fascist.
Unions here are corrupt as hell, thanks to the peronistas they do anything but represent the workers, and that's a fact that even extreme left parties like communists and troskits admit.
Also during the last government of the General (The General, that's how ppl call Perón, go figure) a lot of ppl had to flee to the exile because they were chased. On the last goverment of the Peron, they created the Triple A (Argentine Anticommunist Alliance) and that's really when the story started, they started dissapearing ppl and killing and then there was a military coup and the militars only continue what Peron started. Besides the ppl that were dissapeared and killed they were not normal citizens they were guerilla like the Colombian FARC, "the Montoneros". The montoneros were the ones that killed normal citizens with no reason like childrens etc. Still to this day, the relatives of the montoneros have been compensated with large sums by the state, but there is no justice for the ppl killed by the montoneros.
And also the montoneros are peronistas...the problem started really as the montoneros questioning the authority of the supreme leader, then when the military coup happened it turned into something much worse, because by then Perón was dead and they radicalized themselves a lot more.
Now we have the same terrorist that killed and bombed innocents as think tanks of the Kirchneristas. The montoneros are the fusion of the right wing fascism of Perón with revolutionaries of the 70 like el Che, etc.
You have no idea what peronists really are, you are only scratching the surface. They are anything but democracy, they propagate fake news, they make fraud in elections, they bribe ppl to vote for them. Just for an example they are against electronic vote because it's hard for them to make fraud. The reason so many ppl vote for them is because they are very effective spreading fake news, lying and also they use poor ppl and bribe them to vote for them. Here we have 35% of poverty it's really easy for them to manipulate and lie to that kind of uneducated ppl with lies.
Look just for an example, in 1946 when Perón was elected we had one of the strongest currencies in the world the Central Bank was packed with Gold. By 1949 the gold was gone, and we started having high inflation.
I'm not necessarily a Macri supporter but I'm against any kind of fascism, . And Macri with all it's flaws it's the best chance we have still now to get rid of the peronists.
If you want to search for more antiperonists, google for Borges, Maria Elena Walsh, Atahualpa Yupanqui, just naming a few that had to flee from their own country because they were being chased or tortured by the peronists.
[Here is a self explanatory video of Perón admitting the peronists are the third position](
If that's not fascism I don't know what it is.
And everything you see on Hollywood it's all wrong, like the Madonna musical, etc. (Also don't believe what wikipedia says about peronism it's clearly biased, because peronist are diabolic but they are not stupid they have ppl editing wikipedia)
there is a quote that says that story is written by the winners, the winners are the peronists they have been manipulating history since 1946. Everything, every documentary all the press was owned by them. Unfortunately, there is ppl overseas that have bought their lies.
Some of the women's right, and divorce that he implemented is not because he believed in that he used that as a weapon against the church. (Peronists also burned churches in one of their governments). See another correlation there? Nazis were antichristians (i.e search the nazi black sun)
Just picture the state spreading fake news for 80 years , get it?? history gets pretty muddy official records are all manipulated, videos everything, that's why some foreign historians have such a hard time figuring what peronism really is.
See why the problem is the peronism?, pretty much all my life has been under peronism governments they just mutate into something else and fight each other like in the 70. There is practically no other political party except Macri's (that appeared a few years ago) all the other parties are just different mutations of peronisms.
If you want to refine even more, then what we have now it's an authoritarian government with fascists roots and tendencies (maybe similar to Putin, btw Putin is Cristina Fernandez personal friend). (Yes there is authoritarian governments voted by their own people)
Thanks for sharing. Interesting stuff. Most of what you said I'm gravely uneducated about so I'm not going to take a stance on it.
But I did want to express my opinion about e-voting. I live in Estonia - perhaps the only country in the world to have large scale e-voting. I do believe it is theoretically possible to do e-voting that is no worse than paper ballots ([unlike what Tom Scott believes](, but I do agree with him that it is extremely difficult to execute well. I also agree that the Estonian system is not perfect and we are (intentional) guinea pigs for the rest of the world to further this field. We are putting more trust in this that is rational due to our enthusiasm for a technologically-progressive self-identity. So in conclusion I think the world is not ready yet for e-voting of any kind. But I think in theory the best possible version of e-voting could be constructed with current technology which would not be worse than paper ballots. Maybe. Definitely not in Argentina in $currentYear though.
But I did want to express my opinion about e-voting.
E-voting is no solution, and for a non-existing problem, that is.
Nonsense. It solves the problem that people have got wise to most of the traditional forms of ballot-stuffing.But I did want to express my opinion about e-voting.
E-voting is no solution, and for a non-existing problem, that is.
Nonsense. It solves the problem that people have got wise to most of the traditional forms of ballot-stuffing.But I did want to express my opinion about e-voting.
E-voting is no solution, and for a non-existing problem, that is.
Funny and true, but I think the main aspect of it is adapting voting to our 21st century lifestyle, where everything should be like fast food because our attention spans are super short and we can't stand inconvenience. So this effectively gets young people to vote as well. Otherwise our politics would be defined by increasingly old people and the most motivated and perhaps mentally healthy people.
Wow. What I wrote sounds so sarcastic and cynical even though I didn't really mean it that way, but I slightly also did mean the sarcasm.
Last edited by chr on 24 Feb 2020 at 10:03 am UTC
I don't see e-voting as needed or even a good idea for national elections of representatives. But I do see it as useful for something dear to my heart, direct democracy at smaller scales--people making collective decisions themselves. And when I say "smaller scales" I don't necessarily mean in terms of geography. I envision a lot of governance being kind of like standards bodies--not a whole lot of people involved, but deciding on things that everyone involved has a stake in and some knowledge of. Or, imagine the federal department of fisheries decided the annual allowable catch for halibut by a vote of all the dept. employees, some representatives of commercial, sport, and native fishing groups, and some environmentalists. If your voting is online you can pull that kind of thing off.Nonsense. It solves the problem that people have got wise to most of the traditional forms of ballot-stuffing.But I did want to express my opinion about e-voting.
E-voting is no solution, and for a non-existing problem, that is.
Funny and true, but I think the main aspect of it is adapting voting to our 21st century lifestyle, where everything should be like fast food because our attention spans are super short and we can't stand inconvenience. So this effectively gets young people to vote as well. Otherwise our politics would be defined by increasingly old people and the most motivated and perhaps mentally healthy people.
Wow. What I wrote sounds so sarcastic and cynical even though I didn't really mean it that way, but I slightly also did mean the sarcasm.
Otherwise our politics would be defined by [...] the most motivated and perhaps mentally healthy people.
Very please.
People who are not motivated to go to the next voting place to vote for their own and their countries future, please stay at home and let the other people do it.
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