It's been quite some time since we last had an open discussion about what you've all been playing recently. Let's get things going again.
We've almost finished the second month of 2020, we've had tons of Linux games that have released this year already and a huge amount more on the way. Now with the rise of game streaming, Steam Play Proton and more options appearing constantly there's never a shortage of gaming to be had.
Personally, I've been getting back into the deck-builder Faeria (Humble/Steam).
With the big recent patch, it gave me a new reason to pick it up and I had honestly forgotten just how good the gameplay is. Building the board as you go really does spice up the usual turn-based tactics, as does the single-player content that's quite plentiful. Gamepad support that was recently added has also made it more accessible than ever. Crafting a good deck of cards is always the hard part but Faeria is fun to learn.
So, over to you: what have you been playing recently and what do you think about it?
I've been playing some Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, it works really well with Proton.
I also started a game of Crusader Kings 2 with my friends, odd thing was we didn't have the same checksum with the same mods, so we ended up playing the game with no mods whatsoever.
Also getting my last week of Rocket League before it's forever gone from me.
Last edited by begui on 23 Feb 2020 at 9:09 pm UTC
Man i hate and love it at the same time, nothing is more difficult and rewarding at the same time than this game.
I lost countless missions and campaigns to bad planning and greed. Still i come back every time. Phoenix Point doesn't manage to copy that feeling.
World of Warcraft, it is time for a linux native solution blizzard :)
Shadow Tactics, in the spirit if desperados and robin hood, this game looks great and is fun. I hope the sequel desperados 3 by the same studio will be on Linux too
And of course Caesar3 through amazing [Julius](
Last edited by queria on 23 Feb 2020 at 9:30 pm UTC
I've been playing almost exclusively Vintage Story since you got me addicted to it. The only other game I've played recently is Horizon Chase Turbo with the family and when friends show up.
Still waiting for Nvidia to fix the no-hair rendering bug in Deus Ex Mankind Divided to pick it back up and complete it.
Vintage Story is soo good!!! Play it all the time :D
Last edited by Spirimint on 23 Feb 2020 at 10:06 pm UTC
The game is small, but well polished and balanced.
Am also playing The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters. Made it through to the gymnasium so will hopefully have completed it soon. Recommended!
Two games which I have ongoing in the background are Dead Cells and Ion Fury. I am still only on one boss cell with Dead Cells and whilst I can make it to the Hand of the King for the second time, he always obliterates me. One day... ;-)
Last edited by robvv on 23 Feb 2020 at 11:27 pm UTC
When I want a break from Original Sin 2 I'm working my way through Whispers of a Machine. I've just completed the first day. It's decent, but so far I'm not enjoying it as much as say, Unavowed, or Lamplight City. I still want to find out what happens though, so will stick at it.
Played a bit of 7 Days to Die on stream with Sin and Ehvis. That was fun. And thanks to Sin, I'm also now playing Terraria again! So much depth to that game, it's actually kind of overwhelming.
Finally, I finished Starcom Nexus. At least, it's as finished as I care to play. Great game, fun space battles, but the lack of a useful map makes the final 5 hours or so a bit of a grind and frankly, I gave up caring to play on, although I still had some un-finished missions. Recommended, but it's shame about that final quarter.
Last Game I enjoyed that much was probably DA:O.
Last edited by STiAT on 24 Feb 2020 at 12:44 am UTC
Other than that I've really enjoyed finally getting to play Zelda: Wind Waker through the Dolphin emulator. My TV did not really like the Game Cube version for some reason and made a flickering mess for that game, so never got to play it. Works surprisingly great, and with an HD texture mod it looks gorgeous!
Finally, the Bethesda sale on GOG got me Wolfenstein: The New Order & The Old Blood so I've also been nasty to Nazis, but I felt that was justified, though I did feel a bit bad after spotting a soldier had put up a drawing his young child made him. Poor kid.
Perky Little Things - Very weird hidden object like game. Gave a copy to Samsai but he refused to stream it :P
X4: Foundations - Following the betas and having fun with it.
MMORPG Tycoon 2 - Needs more content but I really like it.
Wildermyth - Not my type of game but I like the look and feel of it.
MachiaVillain - Pretty limited compared to RimWorld etc. but I enjoyed it while it lasted.
Any advice on finding active servers/times? After a 4-5 years break i recently installed it again, and found the servers dead by comparison. I'm quite excited for the new game too, but i kind of don't believe they make the new release anytime soon, due to the weird development model they are using, where even as they are making a free game and a for profit one they do not open their project up.
I don't know anything about their for-profit game. I have seen their updates for Urban Terror 5, but I've stopped expecting it anytime soon. They are currently doing alpha tests on it with community members.
There are active servers at all times of day. After starting it up, click on "Play Online" and then at the bottom left you can click on "Get New List". I sort by players so I can see which ones have the most people on them, but occasionally I sort by ping just so I'm not at a major disadvantage.
I have been bouncing back and forth between Urban Terror and Deponia. I bought all of the Deponia games years ago for a few bucks each, and just started going through my backlog.
Urban Terror on the other hand, is always installed and ready to go at a moments notice. I'm quite excited for the next release and hope it happens in 2020.
Wow Urban Terror, I played so much of this game in the past. I lost interest when they did the major rework, took forever. Is it back to being as good as it was before?
I have been playing it on and off for so long now, I can't honestly remember. I do know that they are testing the alpha of the newest release, which updates the engine and looks significantly better. They have a developer blog and youtube channel that shows off the visual differences and modeling improvements. I'm excited for it, just because it will be a major change to play a game that looks like it's from 2013 instead of 1999.
Hi Liam! i was playing Pioneer, and really love it. It is a game very unpolished and with a lot of rough edges, but can be nice when you want something relaxing to playWow, Pioneer as in Frontier Elite 2? It warms my heart tremendously to know that no matter how much computing, or games, or the whole world for that matter changes, there's always Frontier out there to play to sink into and escape... Is it still being actively developed? Does it have a community?
Last edited by iiari on 24 Feb 2020 at 3:23 am UTC
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