Alderon Games have been heads-down working on Path of Titans, their upcoming dino MMO where all players are dinosaurs and it really looks like it's come along great.
They just recently announced that they're going to enter "pre-release" this September, which includes Linux support as they got all that in quite early. Alderon say this means they will have a "playable game with multiplayer servers and many of the core mechanics of the game completed at that time". You can check out the below overview video, which goes over what's been done since the crowdfunding campaign:

Direct Link
So many different playable species, plenty of different biomes to explore and most importantly: it actually looks good, impressive even. Their original IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign pulled in nearly $100K AUD and it's kept going up since then on their own website, which now shows the total just shy of hitting $300K.
What to expect from it:
- Permanent characters with in-depth skin and trait customization
- A complex questing system.
- Group and Guild systems that allow for pack hunting and herd migration, with servers supporting up to 200 concurrent players.
- Lush environment filled with AI dinosaurs and smaller prehistoric creatures
- Swimming, diving, and fishing in both lakes and rivers.
- Cross platform functionality, play the game from your PC with your friends on mobile and vice versa.
- Powerful modding tools with extensive documentation, and a backend allowing modders to deliver their content to other players.
See more on the official site. Once they formally announce the date for pre-release in September, we will let you know.
p.s. I really liked the whole environment from objects through weather and animations! really tingled my feelings!
Meee, when i was youngeeeeer, i used to play games with at least 10 tiiiiiimes the players, often moar !
Anyway, i’m really curious to see what will be the gameplay loop, beside walking around.

I felt like some of the animations, especially the ceratopsians, somehow felt too "light". These are herbivores bigger than elephants, characterized by big bony structures in their heads. Elephants can move fast, but there's still this feeling of heft and momentum to their movements. I feel like ceratopsian dinosaurs should have a similar vibe to their motion. Be more realistic, but also feel cooler.
Last edited by Purple Library Guy on 25 Mar 2020 at 5:28 pm UTC
These days, "200 players" is a MMORPG. Grmblblblbl...Let's see, playing a new MMORPG . . . how many players . . . 3?!
Oh wait, the notes say this is a "Minimally Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game"!
Is this the game where you could end up being banned if you kill a moderator or developer? (you'll know you did after you get kicked or banned) not sure if this was the same game?Since this game isn't released yet, not even to early access, it seems unlikely.
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