Over the last year or two more and more toolkits, debuggers and all sorts of handy applications for developers have expanded their Linux support and now NVIDIA are doing the same with NVIDIA Nsight Graphics 2020.2.
So what is it?
NVIDIA® Nsight™ Graphics is a standalone developer tool that enables you to debug, profile, and export frames built with Direct3D (11, 12, DXR), Vulkan (1.2, NV Vulkan Ray Tracing Extension), OpenGL, OpenVR, and the Oculus SDK.
One of those essential tools for developers, and the good news is that with the release of Nsight Graphics 2020.2 that released across the weekend, it adds in Vulkan support (and Vulkan 1.2 with Ray Tracing) to GPU Trace allowing developers to track down performance issues. Even better, is that with this release GPU Trace is now "a supported activity on all Linux distributions that Nsight Graphics supports". That's pretty big news, allowing even more developers to use Linux for development.
Direct Link
For working with it on Linux, you need NVIDIA driver 445.75 or better.
See more on the official site.
Is this their "open-source" project that they wanted to announce in March?No. This has been around for quite some time. What you're thinking of was a talk they were going to do at GTC but it seems the talk has been cancelled.
But with all the marketing that Nvidia likes to add.
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