This is your once a month reminder to make sure your PC information is correct on your user profiles. A fresh batch of statistics is generated on the 1st of each month.
You need to be logged in to see when you last updated your PC info!
You can see the statistics any time on this page.
Next month will include chart generation to show what desktop people are using across Wayland and x11.
PC Info is automatically purged if it hasn't been updated, or if you don't click the link to remain in for 2 years. This way we prevent too much stale data and don't hold onto your data for longer than required. If this is still correct and it has been a long time since you updated, you can simply click here to continue to be included. If this isn't correct, click here to go to your User Control Panel to update it!
While I am a happy member of this site, I have been minimizing the ridiculous number of online logins that I have to maintain. About every 6 months I go through and try to figure out any that I don't use and where I can cancel my membership.
Others may be in the same boat...
There's nothing special going on.
I agree with darthbasselope! I have three computers myself: The one I reported which is my main computer, a Windows/10 described in my "about me" and a recently installed one with Proxmox+Ubuntu server for backup that I also use to test different Linux. distributions in Virtual Machines
Last edited by lelorrain on 26 Mar 2020 at 3:45 pm UTC
The extra privacy feature just adds another variable to this.
May be you can make stats for these metrics:
1. Number of people who updated their info in the last month (or confirmed that their configuration didn't change).
2. Number of new users who filled in the info.
Last edited by Shmerl on 26 Mar 2020 at 7:08 pm UTC
i could report using my RaspberryPi4b as my "main pc"
the purpose isnt to divulge that you use 100 computers stuffed into a closet
the purpose is more to showcase your Main Primary and MOST USED computer
doesnt matter if your Most Used computer is a server that you havent physically seen in 2 years.
for the purpose of GOL, you should report your Primary Gaming PC, and only that one.
Last edited by no_information_here on 27 Mar 2020 at 9:58 pm UTC