It's Sunday, it's a lazy day for some and plenty of you are probably playing through your backlog of games.
I've been testing out the Linux beta of the upcoming monster capture game Monster Crown. One that was crowdfunded some time ago, and it's incredibly promising. The developer has been great to chat to and they seem very committed to polishing the Linux build. Still a long road ahead though but a rather unique take on a Pokemon-like that I can't wait to put more time into
Additionally, a fair amount of my time has been spent playing Danger Zone in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Today I saw something quite hilarious actually; someone managed to use their Drone Pilot starting perk, to capture one of the late-game drops coming down and fly it across the map to themselves. First time I've seen someone do that, was a fun surprise. Naturally, I ran after it to attempt to take them down but they had some traps waiting for me. Those jump pads can be a real nuisance, sending me far into the air to come crashing down—dead.
Over to you: what have you been playing recently, and what do you think about it? Let your fellow GOL readers know in the comments.
Other than that I tried golf with your friend and shotgun farmer recently, which are ok games, probably way more fun if you don't play them alone.
Even if I have enough games to finish, Black mesa is seriously winking at me.
Love the atmosphere! There's just nothing like gta. Nothing!
Some friends were successful in getting me back into FF14 and, aside from ReShade no longer working with it for some reason on newer WINE/DXVK, still works just fine and has stolen all of my free time lately. Send help.
Last edited by Raaben on 8 Mar 2020 at 4:16 pm UTC
That's right. My son is a dwarf barbarian and I am his halfling rogue.
Metro 2033 REDUX - I've had this game on my wish list for a long time. With the announcement that Metro Exodus would be coming to Linux, I decided to buy and get started on the series. So far so good, the story is intriguing. The game just crashes sometimes running out of memory when loading new map areas.
Heliborne - This is my current main social game, for when I want to play with others. The game is fun, flying around in various helicopters completing missions.
İts just brilliant. Fun
Wolcen Via proton arpg game poe inspired mostly. And has some unique mechanics.
Division Via proton
League of legends with lutris custom wine
Last edited by Kuduzkehpan on 8 Mar 2020 at 6:24 pm UTC
I'm liking a lot the variety of scenarios: until now I saw dark tunnels, bunkers, deserts, cold swamp. I just started a level into the Taiga. Graphics are very beautiful.
Not going to lie.
These few days..Hearthstone. No, not the BG.
After so many years and so much money wasted on doctors..I have relapsed. Send help.
I jumped on the Delete Your Blizzard Account bandwagon last fall. Mostly, of course, to support Hong Kong. Secretly also to stop myself pouring more hours into HS. You can still join up - just remember to tell 'em Blitzchung sent you :)
Now, I played Lennas' Inception with my short ones, it's such a fun game and worth every second I played it. I am so eager to slay all bosses, but as well to solve the side quests - and it is for my casual style gaming completely well balanced (old men like to take it easy)
A full recommendation for Lenna's Inception.
First game ran great as expected, but I am having some crackling audio with Elite Force II which I do not recall from when I played it through WINE back in the day. It is hardly crippling just an occasional nuisance.
Last edited by Hamish on 8 Mar 2020 at 7:48 pm UTC
125GB with HD textures makes it the biggest game I've ever installed though, and that's without any extra DLC!
waiting for my Longhorn to calve.So is this some kind of retro computing talk about the masochistic experience of deliberately using Windows 8.*? :D
You dare compare this beautiful animal to such a thing?waiting for my Longhorn to calve.So is this some kind of retro computing talk about the masochistic experience of deliberately using Windows 8.*? :D
Longhorn was the codename for Vista.
Tried out Hunt and Snare, and sexual furries aside, it's a fun little game by itself, I adore exploration and little secret areas. Looking forward to future builds adding a reward system for the hunting part.
Last night I got around to trying Quern, the spiritual successor to Myst. Seems well crafted with puzzles that give me resistance without completely stopping me from progressing.
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