GRID, the 2019 racer from Codemasters is showing some signs that a Linux port may be on the horizon going by some info taken from SteamDB.
On the SteamDB page, recently a bunch of clear Linux entries appeared. To be clear though, it's never a guarantee of anything and we're speculating about it at this point. Since Codemasters already have multiple titles on Linux, the majority of which were ported to Linux by Feral Interactive (Virtual Programming did one), it makes it more likely this is coming.
While it currently has a version on Stadia, so you can play it by streaming it, it's not quite the same as a local copy that you can tune especially for your rig. Stadia is still very new too, and for some it's simply not playable. So, if this turns from speculation and rumour into a real port it will be very welcome.
You can see the release trailer below:
Direct Link
If we see any more or if it gets confirmed, we will let you know here on GOL. We reached out to Codemasters to see if they had anything to say about it.
Hat tip to NuSuey.
Any reason the like button is replaced with a bookmark tag?It has not, the bookmark button is entirely separate, some plugins (hello adblock plus) seem to block our like button based on the CSS style class name. We've already been in touch with them about it. Other plugins that use similar block lists are likely also doing it.
Ps. For site issues, please use the forum not a random article.
Last edited by Liam Dawe on 9 April 2020 at 7:56 pm UTC
Could this be the first title coming to Steam for Linux thanks to a port to Stadia?
Metro Exodus smelled like it.
(While Grid smells more like Feral to me.)
Last edited by Eike on 9 April 2020 at 8:03 pm UTC
Last edited by ThePierrasse on 9 April 2020 at 8:28 pm UTC
Just hope it arrives a few months apart from metro
Any reason the like button is replaced with a bookmark tag?It has not, the bookmark button is entirely separate, some plugins (hello adblock plus) seem to block our like button based on the CSS style class name. We've already been in touch with them about it. Other plugins that use similar block lists are likely also doing it.
Ps. For site issues, please use the forum not a random article.
It was missing a couple of hours ago for me as well, but is back now.
Grid Autosport... Still the sim racing game I played the most. Since it looks similar, I'll be looking forward to this one.Yeah, it doesn't have a good name among serious sim racers, but I enjoyed it a lot. My proudest gaming achievement was hitting the top of the time trial leaderboard for the classic Mini around the San Francisco short track. I'm still 15th (but can't even get within a second of my own record any more :( ). And so many weekly challenges used the Algarve circuit in reverse that whenever I see the real one on TV I think they're going the wrong way. :D
Any reason the like button is replaced with a bookmark tag?It has not, the bookmark button is entirely separate, some plugins (hello adblock plus) seem to block our like button based on the CSS style class name. We've already been in touch with them about it. Other plugins that use similar block lists are likely also doing it.
Ps. For site issues, please use the forum not a random article.
Thanks, and noted.
And Stunts of coure.... Amazing graphics! :D
Since the game has a Vulkan engine, for it to run on Stadia, here is to hoping we get a native Vulkan port to Linux. We don't have too many 'native' Vulkan games. I am not counting the Feral ports, as the newer ones do use Vulkan, they are all native DX11 or DX12 engines that Feral has ported to Vulkan, which is an amazing feat and I very much enjoy Dirt 4, Shadow of Mordor, Tomb Raider, etc...but games which actually have a Vulkan engine, are rare, even on Windows. And only a handful have been ported to Linux.
Grid Autosport... Still the sim racing game I played the most. Since it looks similar, I'll be looking forward to this one.
Yeah, it doesn't have a good name among serious sim racers.
This. Probably the reason why it's my favorite racing game. Much easier to handle than other "hardcore" racing sims.
Hey Liam, how did you find out about this?
Linux depots that appeared here:
Hey Liam, how did you find out about this?
Linux depots that appeared here:
That doesn't explain how he found those steamdb changes, I assume liam doesn't check the GRID 2019 depots every day.
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