DRM-free store GOG has today released their huge Summer Sale, full of discounted games and they've also put up some fun demos for upcoming games.
Much like what Steam are planning with the Steam Game Festival, GOG are getting in on the action and a little early too. Thanks to that you can now grab demos for CARRION, Spiritfarer and Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue. All three of them well worth trying!
As for the sales, there's multiple build your own bundles where buying more gives you a higher discount. These bundles include: 11bit studios, Daedalic Entertainment, Kalypso Media, Paradox Interactive, tiny build and more. GOG also put up a list of their highest discounts, some good Linux games in there too plus their classics list.
Like usual we aim to pick a few favourites with a good discount, here you are:
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - 79% off
- Firewatch - 75% off
- Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition - 75% off
- Kerbal Space Program - 75% off
- Overload - 70% off
- Slime Rancher - 60% off
- Into the Breach - 50% off
They also released Metro Exodus on GOG, which seems to be coming to Linux soon (lots of activity for it on SteamDB) so fingers crossed they put the Linux build up there too.
If you just want the full list on Linux games on sale on GOG, click right here.
And the timing is perfect; just before the Steam Summer sale and not at the same time.
I've doomed myself. Playing Warframe, Borderlands 3 and ESO. No excuse to spend money on more games.
Ain't nobody has enough damn time to plays these games! lol
Ahh with constant updates for sure but since my library is pretty made up exclusively of single player games I have finished them all except the ones i have no intension of playing like around 120 of my steam games were either free or thought they sounded good at the time. I wish there was a gift option for redeemed keys whether they went to new owners for free or if they sold heavily discounted by valve.
Ahh with constant updates for sure but since my library is pretty made up exclusively of single player games I have finished them all except the ones i have no intension of playing like around 120 of my steam games were either free or thought they sounded good at the time. I wish there was a gift option for redeemed keys whether they went to new owners for free or if they sold heavily discounted by valve.
GreenManGaming had a system at one point where you could sell games back. I liked that one a lot.

The Suffering
The Suffering: Ties That Bind
Dungeon Siege Collection
Conflict: Desert Storm
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico
Deus Ex™ GOTY Edition
Deus Ex 2: Invisible War
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director’s Cut
Mirror's Edge™
Empire Earth Gold Edition
Beyond Divinity
Empire Earth 2 Gold Edition
Empire Earth 3
Divinity 2: Developer's Cut
The Saboteur™
Earthworm Jim 3D
Unreal 2: The Awakening Special Edition
Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition
Unreal Tournament GOTY
Beyond Good & Evil™
Prince of Persia®: The Sands of Time
Far Cry®
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
SimCity™ 2000 Special Edition
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Prince of Persia
Rayman Origins
World in Conflict: Complete Edition
Last edited by mrdeathjr on 28 May 2020 at 9:41 pm UTC
Ahh with constant updates for sure but since my library is pretty made up exclusively of single player games I have finished them all except the ones i have no intension of playing like around 120 of my steam games were either free or thought they sounded good at the time. I wish there was a gift option for redeemed keys whether they went to new owners for free or if they sold heavily discounted by valve.
GreenManGaming had a system at one point where you could sell games back. I liked that one a lot.
Damn wish that was still about
Note that Shadow Tactics' linux build is currently broken, some effects doesn't display corretly (enemies detection range effects, which are major on gameplay..)
Which version? I have the GOG version on Ubuntu Mate 18.04 and my wife and I have ended it a few times and never see any issue with it.
Happy to see Prey on GOG as well; it's a great game -- and reportedly it works well under wine.
I am truly surprised with [Prey](https://www.gog.com/game/prey_digital_deluxe_edition?pp=b2a10a6c3dcadb10c8ffd734c1bab896d55cf0ec)
And the timing is perfect; just before the Steam Summer sale and not at the same time.
agreed on both
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