As they said they would late last month, it appears Electronic Arts have gone ahead and uploaded some of the source code for the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection.
Dropped onto GitHub recently is a new CnC_Remastered_Collection repository, containing plenty of code for both the original Command & Conquer Tiberian Dawn plus Red Alert. Properly done too, with a GPL3 license to go along with it. They've attached some additional terms with it, which the GPL3 allows, to mention things we would expect like not giving rights away to trademarks and such.
Why did they do this? As they said in the original announcement it's to help the community for things like modding and to "ensure compatibility with projects like CnCNet and Open RA". While the free downloads of the classics have been up for years since EA set them free originally, this is another great step. If it goes well, hopefully EA will do this for other classics. Even if it's not the entire package, it can really help game engine recreations.
While the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection which releases on June 5 won't officially support Linux, there are the CnCNet and OpenRA projects and both are quite popular. Big fan of OpenRA myself.
About OpenRA, the project has matured a lot, compared to the first time I tried it.
Last month I showed the OpenRA project in social media groups, so that more people can get to know the project.
Wow, I wonder how this makes OpenRA devs feel? Years of reverse engineering this shit and now it's just out there, open sourced...
OpenRA was built from the ground up rather than reverse engineered. Their versions of the games are made for fun multiplayer first rather than a recreation of the originals.
This release will help those who are making other OpenRA mods that are aiming for authenticity or projects like [Chronoshift.](
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