Factorio, that magnificent indie game about building sprawling conveyor belts and production chains is going to release sooner than originally expected.
In their latest Friday Facts post, Wube Soft mentioned how Cyberpunk 2077 was now slated to be release around a week before their own launch. They thought that might have a negative effect as it would take attention away from other games. They have a point and so they've moved Factorio's release up to August 14, 5 weeks earlier than originally planned.
They're able to do this as they already dropped some of their release plans. The campaign was cancelled, the fluid system updates have been postponed and even their big GUI overhaul was cut down. On top of that their current experimental release is going well it seems. Wube have said before numerous times the overall gameplay was pretty much done so this isn't a big surprise.
You can buy a copy of Factorio from Humble Store, GOG and Steam. I can't recommend it enough, it's ridiculously easy to completely lose yourself in the building.
Additionally, if you missed it, Wube Software recently got paid off by G2A after they found the key reseller did in fact have illegitimate Factorio keys on their store. They also announced in late 2019 they had over 2 million sales while in Early Access.
Well, the cuts made me less than happy. Good game anyway.
It sounds more dramatic than it really is though.
The campaign was technically cut before because the decision because this game isn't really campaign friendly. They discussed the issue in several Friday Factorio Facts and it basically comes down to have the player rebuilding everything after each step or trying to control what the user can do each step of the way so everything remains predictable. The first one is undesirable and second one is very much against what Factorio is about. So what they did is bring back an extended version of the old campaign that is more geared to working as a tutorial. Seems like a good alternative to me.
Not even sure what the fluid system update would have been like. It may have a few minor issues in some advanced gameplay scenario, but since the previous update it is really quite good already. I'm sure they'll do whatever they think needs doing after release.
And the GUI overhaul is actually mostly finished. IIRC, the only part that wasn't overhauled yet is some of the blueprint system. That part will definitely still come post release though.
All in all, the game really has been "done" for a while now. The only major update they have done since 0.17 is to create high resolution graphics for those parts that didn't have any. That and a lot of bug fixing.

Wouldn't want to release anything close to that myself, not even if it was far away genre-wise.
It's one of those handful-per-decade games that almost everyone will want to play.
Besides, how are you supposed to release hotfixes for your recently released game if you are too busy playing Cyberpunk? ;)
Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 1 Jun 2020 at 10:25 am UTC
Besides, how are you supposed to release hotfixes for your recently released game if you are too busy playing Cyberpunk? ;)
They won't fix any bug after release. Because they are applying the inversion of control principle: all bugs are fixed before release. :D
Congrats to Wube. It's a smart decision. Even if everyone isn't playing CP2077, all of the media buzz will be around it. Personally, I think they should have waited until a month after that release when the buzz starts to die down. Like Witcher 3, I think CP2077 has been vastly overhyped and overrated. My guess is that it will be more flash and "edge" than substance (like TW3) and meatier games like Factorio will have a longer stronger appeal. But that's an easy call to make from my office chair. :PThat's got to be a minority opinion there. I rate TW3 as probably the best game made to date on any platform. Saying Factorio is meatier just means the artful side of your brain doesn't like to be entertained that much.
We can agree on one thing, that my opinion about TW series is in the minority.Congrats to Wube. It's a smart decision. Even if everyone isn't playing CP2077, all of the media buzz will be around it. Personally, I think they should have waited until a month after that release when the buzz starts to die down. Like Witcher 3, I think CP2077 has been vastly overhyped and overrated. My guess is that it will be more flash and "edge" than substance (like TW3) and meatier games like Factorio will have a longer stronger appeal. But that's an easy call to make from my office chair. :PThat's got to be a minority opinion there. I rate TW3 as probably the best game made to date on any platform. Saying Factorio is meatier just means the artful side of your brain doesn't like to be entertained that much.
I see you had to make a personal attack on my ability to appreciate art as a way to undermine my opinion rather than give reasons why you think TW3 is clearly superior above its peers. Does that mean you have nothing of merit to offer the conversation or were maybe just too lazy to write out something thoughtful?
So, why do you consider TW3 "the best game made to date on any platform"? Because that's a strong claim and I think you would be in the minority with that opinion. It's one thing to say TW3 is overrated and another to claim it's the best game ever made on any platform with absolutely no support for that argument.
My artful side does enjoy being entertained, just not by overrated mediocre titles popular with the masses. I'm not a huge fan of Fortnite or Justin Bieber either. Art appreciation is a matter of taste and preference.
No, I did not attack any of your abilities as you say. I pointed out what I observed of your preference.We can agree on one thing, that my opinion about TW series is in the minority.Congrats to Wube. It's a smart decision. Even if everyone isn't playing CP2077, all of the media buzz will be around it. Personally, I think they should have waited until a month after that release when the buzz starts to die down. Like Witcher 3, I think CP2077 has been vastly overhyped and overrated. My guess is that it will be more flash and "edge" than substance (like TW3) and meatier games like Factorio will have a longer stronger appeal. But that's an easy call to make from my office chair. :PThat's got to be a minority opinion there. I rate TW3 as probably the best game made to date on any platform. Saying Factorio is meatier just means the artful side of your brain doesn't like to be entertained that much.
I see you had to make a personal attack on my ability to appreciate art as a way to undermine my opinion rather than give reasons why you think TW3 is clearly superior above its peers. Does that mean you have nothing of merit to offer the conversation or were maybe just too lazy to write out something thoughtful?
So, why do you consider TW3 "the best game made to date on any platform"? Because that's a strong claim and I think you would be in the minority with that opinion. It's one thing to say TW3 is overrated and another to claim it's the best game ever made on any platform with absolutely no support for that argument.
My artful side does enjoy being entertained, just not by overrated mediocre titles popular with the masses. I'm not a huge fan of Fortnite or Justin Bieber either. Art appreciation is a matter of taste and preference.
Writing a convincing argument about TW3 is missing the point. The point was that I suspected your opinion of TW3 to be in the minority and that I disagreed with it. It was not to change your mind.
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