Today, CodeWeavers developer Andrew Eikum put up a first Release Candidate for Steam Play Proton 5.0-8.
Need more info on what Steam Play is? See our dedicated page.
With an aim for gathering feedback and finding issues in the new release, to then push it out for everyone later if testing goes well. It has some major improvements in it but like with previous Proton RC releases, it's subject to change and some updates can be removed.
Here's the current Proton 5.0-8 RC major changes:
- Dramatically improve loading times for Streets of Rage 4. This currently requires that you manually enable the PROTON_NO_WRITE_WATCH runtime option.
- Performance improvements for DOOM Eternal, Detroit: Become Human, and We Happy Few.
- Support latest Steam SDKs, which may fix various games such as Scrap Mechanic, and Mod and Play.
- Update wine-mono from 4.9.4 to 5.0.1, which should fix some games like Fight 'n Rage and Woolfe, among other things.
- Update DXVK from v1.6.1 to v1.7, FAudio from 20.03 to 20.06 and pulled in latest vkd3d
- On KDE, games being fullscreen should no longer prevent alt-tabbing out of the game.
- Improve gstreamer performance.
The KDE issue in particular will be nice to see solved, currently I've had to ALT+drag games to a different screen to get around the ALT+TAB issue.
Plenty of bug fixes came with the RC too like:
- Fix crashes in Detroit: Become Human, Planet Zoo, Jurassic World: Evolution, Unity of Command II, and Splinter Cell Blacklist.
- Fix crash on launch in STEINS;GATE 0 (note that if you have modified the game's files to work around this crash previously, you may need to re-validate the game files in your Steam client to restore functionality).
- Fix missing network ping times in some multiplayer games like Path of Exile and Wolcen.
- Fix external links in Lords Mobile.
- Fix crash on launch in TOXIKK.
- Fix WRC 7 crash when using a steering wheel controller. Note that some force-feedback effects may require a kernel >= 5.7.
- Fix error when starting a read-only custom Proton deployment.
Want to try it out? Keep in mind the name of the build won't change. You can do so by opting into the Beta for it on Steam. You do this by right clicking on Proton 5.0 in your Steam Library, going into Properties and then the Beta tab. Like shown below:
You can post all feedback on the Proton 5.0-8 RC in the official post.
Fix crashes in Detroit: Become Human, Planet Zoo, Jurassic World: Evolution, Unity of Command II, and Splinter Cell Blacklist.
Wow! Jurassic World: Evolution finally starts!? Have to try that later.
Update: It starts and is playable! :D
Last edited by freakzen on 3 Jun 2020 at 3:49 pm UTC
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Tested on Manjaro 20.0.2 KDE and Mesa 20.0.7.
And still no GTAV and RDR2 :(Just use Lutris - lutris-fshack-5.7-x86_64
And still no GTAV and RDR2 :(
I play gta5 with no issues whatsoever, have done so for a long time now! Everything works including online play. What's your problem with it?
Then via protontricks --gui select your game and run winecfg, on the graphics tab uncheck Allow the window manager to decorate the windows, this part has to be done for every game. do this and you wont have any problems alt tabbing/minimizing/resizing your games, don't know why Proton doesn't do this by default.
[KDE Settings](
Last edited by Kelvinhbo on 3 Jun 2020 at 6:01 pm UTC
currently I've had to ALT+drag games to a different screen to get around the ALT+TAB issue.
Heads up, alt will change to meta by default for this in the next plasma release (which sounds more sane to me, I like meta for window management/global stuff).
Back when I was using KDE, I found that opening the steam overlay would also help with difficult cases of no alt-tabbing/dragging.
Nowadays, I have very little issues with sway, as apps do not have the last word when it comes to positioning under wayland. The worst are those that disappear when i get away from them for a minute (some become very tiny things). Evochron mercenary might be doing this? Second worst is those that try to remain on top, I am not sure why sway allows that, it appears as an overlay on at least one virtual desktop (maybe more? I don't recall). And can't be focused...

Clicking the top left corner, where bar is (Enlarge picture), will make game reappear. It's as if the game's output is resized to that bar at top. My workaround for it is using Borderless Fullscreen, which works just fine.
Last edited by Linuxwarper on 3 Jun 2020 at 10:55 pm UTC it's installed on a 1TB blue WD HDD, and its a pain in the ass to use! If anyone has ever used a 5400 RPM HDD, would know what I'm talking about.
But... why did you buy a 5400 rpm hard drive? There is a WD Blue at 7200 rpm!
I have a similar issue where when I alt tab out and back into Witcher 3, with (exclusive) fullscreen, this happens:
Maybe Geralt is protesting..?
Metro Exodus won't start
Good thing there might be a native version on the way. I hope they manage to make RTX work with it like the Windies version. Not sure if the Stadia build had that.
Good thing there might be a native version on the way. I hope they manage to make RTX work with it like the Windies version. Not sure if the Stadia build had that.
AMD hardware on Stadia, so no, not functionally.
I'd like the Linux version to have it, but I don't think it will - at least at release.
There is already a compiler (provided by Nvidia, I think) that will take DirectX ray tracing shaders and output Vulkan ray tracing shaders, so it's not necessarily a big job to do it.
The standards are in transition now, though, between vk_nv_raytracing and vk_khr_ray_tracing. They'd probably want to target the latter rather than the former but, since the vendor-neutral extension hasn't been finalised yet it can't be used in non-beta drivers. So it wouldn't work yet.
So a post-release patch that enables it, after the specification is finalised, seems possible, provided sales for people that would make use of it are high relative to the effort involved.
JWE now runs, as well as Planet Zoo! :)
Just tested Planet Zoo too, and it ran fine for the ~10 minutes I tried it. It didn't start at all before with the main Proton branch, I was using a custom build mentioned [here]( Looks like I can switch back now. :)
Maybe Geralt is protesting..?Possibly, whenever we tab out and in he must be experiencing teleportation hell

And still no GTAV and RDR2 :(
Have you tried Lutris because gta 5 is still working on lutris
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