While work is underway officially to bring Vulkan API support to the Raspberry Pi 4, what about the older models? An NVIDIA engineer decided to get it done as announced on Twitter.
The NVIDIA engineer, Martin Thomas, worked on the RPi-VK-Driver which is now available to grab from GitHub to bring Vulkan API support to models prior to the Raspberry Pi 4. Thomas said they had been working on it for two years and they said it's the "first low-level GPU driver for the Broadcom Videocore IV GPU".
While it will run Vulkan, it doesn't conform to the official Khronos standard so it's not an official driver but Thomas says it tries to follow it as close as possible. Compared with the current OpenGL driver, it also "offers superb speed including precise and predictable memory management and multi-threaded command submission" and more graphical feature support including MSAA and more.
In another Twitter post, Thomas showed it running VkQuake3 at 100+ FPS which is quite impressive.
Try it yourself from GitHub.
TwisterOS comes with Steam installed on the OS for the RPI4 and can install and run many older and current 2D PC games today. It is really cool
Check out TwisterOS on RPI4 with the Box86 emulator
TwisterOS comes with Steam installed on the OS for the RPI4 and can install and run many older and current 2D PC games today. It is really cool
Looks very interesting this TwisterOS.I will give it a try when I buy my own raspberry Pi 4 device. I have been hoping for a chance to use steam in rasp.Great. Thanks for the info!

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