It's Sunday and another week has flown by, in part thanks to all the wonderful limited-time demos that have been available for a few days during the Steam Game Festival.
Thanks to the Steam festival, the choice of gaming available has been tougher than ever. Do you jump through your vast backlog of titles or wet your taste-buds with one of the demos? Choices, choices. Here's a reminder of some recent interesting new releases for Linux:
- Alwa's Legacy
- ATOM RPG Trudograd
- Attentat 1942
- Burning Knight
- Megaquarium: Freshwater Frenzy
- Poly Bridge 2
- Resolutiion
Admittedly, my own time has been spread across a great many titles. Although, thanks to Titanfall 2 now working well on Linux with Steam Play Proton I will admit to having the need to go and play a lot more. Apart from that, I've also been feeling the ARPG call from Last Epoch, now that it's up to date and working very nicely, a proper gem in the rough and could be quite big once fully released. So many skills to master, loot coming out of everything you can fashion into a pocket and so many different types of enemies. Last Epoch is really one that action RPG fans need to take a look into.
Over to you in the comments section: what have you been playing recently?
Finally finishing Pillars of Eternity. Switched to "Easy", this is clearly not my genre.
With the release of OpenMW 0.46, started my second playthrough of TES III: Morrowind with just about 7 mods. It looks gorgeous!
I was tempted to switch PoE to "easy" too, just to get faster through all those fights. Too much of always the same rock paper scissors patterned weakness/immunity, buff/debuff game. I stopped playing it altogether instead.. and theat although I do consider CRPGs my genre.
Horizon Chase Turbo
I haven't played Morrowind in... a decade?
And I have to say, it's way more fun than Skyrim. The music in particular aged exquisitely.
Just the peoples faces/some clothes... Yech!
Before that I did some of "The Raven: Legacy of a master thief", "Terraria" and I finally finished "Tyrrany", which is an awesome game, much better that PoE for me. There's something satisfying being a villain that in his quest to be a nasty baddie, actually saves people from themselves. I realy enjoyed it.
I have a good friend in another country without a decent PC. He picked up an ancient Xbox360 and I dusted my 360 off too. We have been playing old co-op shooters like Gears of War, Halo, and Borderlands. Remarkably fun.Oh, the memories.

Do you still need a Gold account to play online? I didn't mind when it was my main gaming machine because I'd probably have had one anyway, but £40 p.a. (or whatever it costs these days) seems a bit steep for the occasional nostalgia trip.
For me it;s OpenMW 0.46 + a few mods.Yeah, KOTOR looks like LA Noire in comparison, and it's very nearly as old. :) A good character model replacement mod would be a godsend.
I haven't played Morrowind in... a decade?
And I have to say, it's way more fun than Skyrim. The music in particular aged exquisitely.
Just the peoples faces/some clothes... Yech!
- Borderlands 1 (original and Enhanced)
- Borderlands 2
- Painkiller: Hell & Damnation
And some more I started for a few hours and work flawlessly on my rig.
I don't know what's next but I need a change of genre, most likely I'll start the first game in the 'Trails in the Sky' series.
Managed to finish off Metro: Exodus today, it was a joyride all the way through. Started the DLC "Sam's Story" which picks up right after the main game ends.
Still waiting on that Native release to jump into this one. I can't wait.
- Detroit: become human, it works great !
- GTA online
- Middle-earth shadow of mordor
- Lovers in a dangerous spacetime
Last edited by joni909 on 22 Jun 2020 at 12:21 am UTC

And Xenoblade Chronicles on my Switch ;)

So I've been playing stuff under Windows...

I've also been playing Bioshock Remastered which was kindly gifted to me by fellow GoL user pskosinski. I think I'm about a third of the way in so far.
And one from the Itch Bundle. Astrologaster. It's basically a visual novel, but I'm really enjoying the olde English voice acting and singing.
I'm running the first two of these in Proton via Steam, and for the last I'm running the Itch client under Wine. All working fine, but Bioshock needs a launch option to disable esync in Proton.

The developer also made available a demo for the fourth part in the series, though it's available for windows only. Worked mostly fine via proton and took me about three hours to complete. Don't know for sure if I like it or not. It's now 3D and I'm not a fan of that, yet. Looks decent enough, and you can now actually get a sense of how deep the creeper is here and there, bit it makes navigating and assessing the current situation strategically more difficult. Sure, there is a top down view camera available, but in contrast to it's predecessor I cannot clearly make out the terrain in this mode.
Been playing around with Godot some more.
I have also been getting into Into The Breach. Frustrating but a very engaging strategy game.
Finally, there's always time for some Mario Kart 8 on the Switch with my daughter!
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