SpringRTS, the free and open source game engine for playing various real-time strategy games is now even easier to get running on Linux. If you've never heard of SpringRTS: it originally started to bring the classic Total Annihilation into proper 3D and since has expanded over years to become a full game engine with all sorts of games made for it.
The developers recently announced a new official Flatpak package up on Flathub, enabling users across many different Linux distributions to easily grab the official SpringLobby and keep it nicely up to date. SpringLobby is the official UI for playing online and offline, plus it has a built-in feature to download missing content while trying to play with others.
Pictured: SpringLobby from the Flathub package.
SpringLobby itself continues to be in active development too, with a fresh 0.270 release being made only in June which adjusted the interface to be a bit more friendly to newer users. It also improved error handling, it now uses the secure HTTPS for downloads, multiplayer battle lobbies with no one in are now greyed-out to make it easier to see at a glance and some other code modernization plus bug fixes.
What games can you play with SpringLobby and the SpringRTS game engine? Quite a lot and you've probably heard of some of them like Zero-K, Spring: 1944, Evolution RTS, Kernel Panic and more.
I remember playing hundreds of hours of what was pretty much Total Annihilation in 3D back in the early days of it, all on Linux too as it's supported Linux for a very long time. It's pleasing to see SpringRTS still alive and expanding.
You can grab SpringLobby now from Flathub, it's also available as a Snap and learn more on the official site.
Was there any single player in this ? with bots ?
Yup, there's bots available, each game appears to have a different set tweaked for them too.
Thanks mate
May give it a go and see what i can find

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