Wow, the end of another week over here in the surprisingly hot and sunny UK. Perfect weather to be sat inside playing games and there's been plenty of that here.
Thanks to the news of Celeste coming to Stadia, I was reminded of the fact that Celeste was in the recent charity bundle so I've been able to give it a thorough go after only previously playing it at a friends PC. I already liked it a lot but now I've sunk plenty more hours into it I'm totally blown away by it. It's truly no surprise to me now why it has amassed such a following, like on Steam where it has over twenty thousand views an an overall Overwhelmingly Positive rating.
For the Linux version, Celeste appears to be another example of a finely tuned experience with no issues encountered for me at all. If you've not tried Celeste yet, do give it a go. Getting those darn Strawberries has become my most painful mission, like the time I caught a particularly tricky one after 30 minutes of failed attempts only for my thumb to slip off the gamepad stick at a vital step afterwards…
It really does get intense and actually managing to catch each one feels so good. Difficult? Absolutely. However, it's pretty much the perfected experience of challenging platforming with lovely pixel-art and beautiful audio to top it off. If you don't own Celeste you can grab it from, Humble Store and Steam.
Over to you: what have you been gaming on Linux recently? Have a chat in the comments.
Kinda works with EAC.
All friendly currently as we play as the same team.
Might not be so friendly when we play against each other!

I think I'm weaning myself off Elite. I got my Krait MkII, and lots of money, so the next step is to visit the Engineers. That's when I realised that my 80 hours in this game would have to become 800 hours if I wanted to take it seriously, even with the wiki and various out-of-band websites aimed at helping you. It's fun (80 hours speaks for itself), but I think I'm done with it now.
I've started my first proper A19 run in 7D2D, inspired by Sin's recent streams. This is probably the best alpha they've released for a while and it feels like this game could be in the final straight. I predict one final alpha, then the next release will be "gold". You heard it here first!
Finally, I've started a new character in Grim Dawn for a second playthrough. Absolutely superb game. Wonderful graphics, very satisfying gameplay, although the Veteran mode does turn the boss fights into a bit of a chore. They're absolute bullet sponges at this difficulty! Still enjoying it though, and I've just topped 50 hours in this game.
So, two native games, two Proton. I don't feel quite so dirty as I did last week!
Still hooked to CSGO and GTA online. Looking forward to death stranding tomorrow if it runs at all. :)
Yakuza 0 - some absurd fun with some wild swings in the tone. Though I'm terrible at the karaoke and dancing mini games, they still crack me up.
Far Cry 3 - deeply unlikable main character and his friends all seem shitty as well. But there's something about clearing parts of the map by capturing all of the outposts as stealthily as possible that is rewarding. Then the protagonist speaks and it makes me want to punch his bro face and I'm not at all a violent person.
Celeste - definitely on board with Celeste, but I'm stuck at a point that I can't get past and am getting frustrated.
CSGO - still playing this way more than I should. Recently enabled voice chat again and it's still the same racist, sexist, homophobic cesspool. It was a mistake.
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