Oh, hey! We didn't miss the weekend this time. Time for another community chat and giving out your latest recommendations.
After mentioning last time about my current love affair with the Raspberry Pi 4, that has very much continued. Everything seems to be holding up nicely on it. There's been plenty of Steam Link game streaming, which has been quite the highlight due to how smoothly it has been working.
For actual games though, I'm going to take this moment to totally plug CARRION again (see my review) because it's just wonderfully crafted. I'm now onto my second play-through to see if there are any fun things I missed. Sounds like it's been quite a successful launch too.
Here's a bit of trivia for you: the levels in CARRION were almost entirely made using Tiled, a free and open source general purpose tile map editor.
If you're stuck for something to play, here's a quick reminder on some good deals:
- Humble Best of Paradox Interactive Bundle
- Humble Daedalic Bundle 2020
- Sid Meier's Civilization VI free weekend (75% off)
- GOG Indie Gems Sale
Over to you in the comments: what have you been gaming on Linux lately?

I also played a bit of [Left 4 Dead 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/550/Left_4_Dead_2/) with a friend. We both haven't played this game since a looong time (my resolution was still set to match my old 4:3 monitor, which is now my secondary monitor

I haven't bought [Carrion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/953490/CARRION/) yet, because I had mixed feelings with the demo...
Last edited by furaxhornyx on 27 Jul 2020 at 4:09 am UTC
For anyone trying Dishonored, and experiencing a slideshow, these launch parameters made it run smooth for me:
- Turn off logging
- Enable D9VK rendering
EDIT: Depending on your Proton version, forcing D9VK may not me necessary, but I put it in just in case

Last edited by Appelsin on 27 Jul 2020 at 4:53 am UTC
Doom Eternal from what I have seen seems to carry on the same systems from Doom 2016, albeit with more movement options, use of the flamethrower for collecting armour etc.
That's right, It's Doom 2016 with Flame Thrower, Ice Cannon, Chainsaw mechanics, Dash and double jump movement with platform level chunks, climbing and pole swinging, a Hub and worst of all... A full fledged story with cutscenes including talking NPC. I know there always was a story in Doom but in 1 & 2 it was a text screen at the end of an episode, never played the third, and 2016, when you wake up, as soon as someone tries to explain the story to you through a screen, the doom guy rips the screen from the wall and the lore is distilled through pickables and text.
To summarize, what I like in Ion Fury, former Doom episode (including 2016) and other old school shooters, heck even Call of Duty, is that it's easy to pickup, in Eternal there's too much mechanics, in my taste, making it far less accessible.
In my opinion, we lost Doom since Eternal.
Out of interest, what is the pull for Euro Truck Simulator for you? I know those games have a huge following!
There are several points for me :
- As I mentioned before, each game session is not too long nor too short.
- It's quite relaxing. I play using the simplest control with keyboard, so I just need to sit, turn on my favorite podcast, start cruise control and enjoy the scenery. I bet it's quite boring for most people, but imho it's great to rest your mind.
- Driving truck is more interesting and challenging than I thought, and its double for me since I'm not a really good driver. There are so many blind spot, moving straight backward is almost impossible, turning need to be careful since the trailer might stuck, etc.
1-4 coop Dwarf mining and shooting madness.
Absolutely lovely game for solo, duo and multi play.
It runs in Proton, but I haven't encountered any problems, except for the universal micrphone not working in Linux and integration with Discord doesn't work. Everything else is just pure awesome.
Dishonored DLC: The Knife of Dunwall, and Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition.
In my opinion, the greatest DLC ever made for one of the greatest games ever made. Playing as Daud is, incredibly, even more awesome than playing as Corvo! The time freeze on blink changes everything. Utterly fantastic game.
How are the difficulty/motivation curves in D:OS2 in your opinion? A friend and me where a little disappointed by the second half of the first one and are thus somewhat reluctant to have a go at the second title.
I also lost motivation in DO:S 1, so I didn't finish it.
The 2nd part is much better in my opinion, it's more polished and mature. Sure worth its price.
Last edited by dude on 27 Jul 2020 at 1:16 pm UTC
Rage 2 seems impossible to play... The game keeps on crashing every 15mins or so, no natter what I try in the launch options or in the graphic settings. Not really enjoyable, even tough I like the game.
Just Cause 4 and Rage 2.
Rage 2 seems impossible to play... The game keeps on crashing every 15mins or so, no natter what I try in the launch options or in the graphic settings. Not really enjoyable, even tough I like the game.
turn off async compute from the config files.
~/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/548570/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/id Software/Rage 2/settings.ini
zero crashes like that
Last edited by Xpander on 27 Jul 2020 at 4:43 pm UTC
Just Cause 4 and Rage 2.
Rage 2 seems impossible to play... The game keeps on crashing every 15mins or so, no natter what I try in the launch options or in the graphic settings. Not really enjoyable, even tough I like the game.
turn off async compute from the config files.
~/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/548570/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/id Software/Rage 2/settings.ini
zero crashes like that
You mean put "DisableAsyncCompute=1"?
Already tried it, same problem... I will give it another shot now that I'm on GamerOS... Who knows? Maybe...
Thanks anyway.
Never got into consoles so I pick this one up since most of my Steam friends had it. I've had a blast ending Comix Zone. Been playing Golden AXE 1 to 3 with friends online and home with my wife. We love beat-em-ups but never tried this series before. It's OK and I prefer part 3 more than the first 2 but it's all pretty fun. The Steam workshop mods have added other ROMS that I never messed with and those are fun also. I can see why people like these games so much. Growing up it was arcades and/or computers. Maybe I would have liked the Genesis back then.
Fantasy Strike - Steam
Put down Tekken for a bit, was running back to back into rage quitters and lag cheaters for a bit. Got back into Fantasy Strike just in time to join the recent tournament. I won 1 round but got eliminated my 2nd time at the bat. Love this game a lot. I learned so much playing with these other players and friended many and been back and forth in friend matches since. My main is Grave and Rook.
Tekken 6 - PPSSPP
Went back to Tekken 6 to explore more of the character, lores and difference btw 6 and 7. Going to see this weekend if I can get the online working via of the PPSSPP servers to play against friends. My main is Miguel and Marduk.
I used the $10 credit that Stadia gave all users and both this game a few days ago when it was on sale for $10. I'm not into MMOs and this game is largely empty but I'm totally OK with that for me. I'm not that much of a DBZ fan but I did watch DB growing up. So this game has me checking out the older shows with the family. Two other friends picked it up as well and we plan to play together on Saturday night either this week or the next. In the mean time I'm practicing combat at the school and it's crazy fun.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Steam
I tried this one and was feeling it til it got to point where I had to find save rooms in order to save. I had to refund this one. Looks good but I'm an all or nothing type of gamer when it comes to saves. Either I can't (Rouge-like/Start back from the beginning or save point you auto get) or I can (save state anywhere and come back later) when it comes to SP games.
Now I just have to finish Bioshock Infinite, and I can move on to other games.
Except, of course for all the other things I have to do, which will take much of my time. I'm obligated to practice and record a part on the ocarina for a virtual music performance that will be mixed recordings of each member of our group alone since we can't meet together right now (I'm the only ocarina player; the others use more conventional instruments). Getting the piece right and then a properly timed recording will be fun since I've never done that kind of recording. I guess I should be thankful since I only have to learn one or two pieces of music instead of a dozen like usual.
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