Club Manager 2022 / Anstoss 2022 has now completed its Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, and thanks to that the Linux PC version is confirmed after hitting a stretch goal during it.
"Club Manager 2022 is all about modern football, while retaining the popular gameplay of the management classic. It offers depth of play and realism, while focusing on the truly essential tasks of a manager. Your team - your club and your success."
3,888 backers pledged €246,496, with the goal for full Linux support being at €180,000 so they got far more than they needed to ensure good Linux support there. The extra exciting news is that while they didn't hit the 250K goal for online multiplayer, considering how close it was they've also confirmed they will be doing it to ensure it's as big as possible.

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It certainly will be nice to see a good Football management sim back on Linux, especially after Football Manager decided to stop supporting Linux after releasing a few times. Considering previous Club Manager games didn't get the best reviews, let's hope this new team make a better game. They've got the funding and the publisher, Kalypso Media, to help out, so fingers crossed.
See more info on the official site. It's also now listed on our dedicated crowdfunding page.
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