Continuing to be the go-to for people needing a good HUD while gaming, MangoHud has a new release up. Giving you the ability to get a real-time readout on GPU/CPU use, FPS, frame timings, RAM/VRAM use, what graphics API is used and even a little benchmarking.
Not seen it? It looks something like this:
With the latest release out now, here's some highlights:
- Fixed a memory leak in Source Engine 1 games (CSGO, TF2 etc)
- You can use mangohud --dlsym as an alternative to MANGOHUD_DLSYM=1
- MangoHud now comes with a man page man mangohud
- Added support for KDE neon in build script
- output_file is now replaced by output_folder, the files are automatically named after the programs executable
- By pressing Shift_L+F3 you will automatically upload the latest log file to and open up said benchmark. To upload all logs for this session, the default keybind is Control_L=F3. Both of these require that you set the permit_upload param to 1 and output_folder
- Added supported for more glyph ranges
Some of the configuration parameters you can set have been added to as well, like being able to show the Wine/Proton version used if you're playing games through either compatibility layer. Full releases notes can be seen here. You can also use GOverlay if you need a simple UI to configure it.
Here's a fresh video of MangoHud in action showing the logging capabilities:
Direct Link
Game featured - Ziggurat. If you love repeatable first-person shooters, Ziggurat is a huge amount of fun to blast through. Buy Ziggurat from: Humble Store, GOG and Steam.
Grab MangoHud from their GitHub.
Quoting: pmadzikNice - I guess that give me an uninstall, but I still don't get updated, of course, unless I go through that each time there's a new release. Definitely better to wait for that PPA mentioned in the github issues tracker, I think. MangoHUD is pure aesthetics. I don't need it for anything, other than to satisfy my curiosity of what's possible. Thanks though! Great to have options if I decide to give it a go.Quoting: scaineI wonder if this will ever get deb/ppa support. I'm just not a fan of "locally" (i.e. non-managed) installed software. Such a cool project too.My dirty hack for deb package:
In source dir (from git or tarball) after installing all required dependencies:
meson build/meson64 --libdir lib/mangohud/lib --prefix /usr -Dappend_libdir_mangohud=false -Dld_libdir_prefix=true
CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib32/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:" LLVM_CONFIG="/usr/bin/llvm-config32" meson build/meson32 --libdir lib/mangohud/lib32 --prefix /usr -Dappend_libdir_mangohud=false -Dld_libdir_prefix=true
DESTDIR="$PWD/build/release" ninja -C build/meson32 install
DESTDIR="$PWD/build/release" ninja -C build/meson64 install
cd build/release
tar cvzf ../../../MangoHud-0.5.1-bin.tar.gz . --owner=0 --group=0
cd ../../..
./ MangoHud-0.5.1-bin.tar.gz mangohud 0.5.1-1
Last step execute shell script with such content:
set -x
# $1 - tar.gz file
# $2 - package name
# $3 - version
# $4 - section
# $5 - architecture
control=$(mktemp -dt)
data=$(mktemp -dt)
cat "$tarfile" | (cd $data; tar xvzf -)
size=$(du -s $data | cut -f1)
cat > $control/control <<EOF
Package: $pkgname
Section: $section
Priority: optional
Architecture: $arch
Version: $pkgver
Installed-Size: $size
Maintainer: $USER
Description: Deb-package made from $tarfile
This package is made by tar2deb by $USER at
$(date) from $tarfile
(cd $data; find -type f | xargs md5sum ) > $control/md5sums
(cd $control; tar cvzf control.tar.gz * --owner=0 --group=0)
cp $tarfile $control/data.tar.gz
echo 2.0 > $control/debian-binary
ar -cr ${pkgname}_${pkgver}_${arch}.deb $control/{debian-binary,control.tar.gz,data.tar.gz}
rm -rf $control
rm -rf $data
Quoting: scaineMangoHUD is pure aestheticsNot so.
Displaying MangoHud is optional, it can now start hidden and be revealed with a single keypress. It can log detailed fps data and upload to By the way, a Flatpak exists if you're into that sort of thing.
Quoting: dpanterQuoting: scaineMangoHUD is pure aestheticsNot so.
Displaying MangoHud is optional, it can now start hidden and be revealed with a single keypress. It can log detailed fps data and upload to By the way, a Flatpak exists if you're into that sort of thing.
Sorry, I meant it's pure aesthetics for me. I don't really have any interest in benchmarking, beyond a vague finger-in-the-air, "is this smooth enough to play for more than 10 minutes". I get that lots of people love their 144Hz, or 120fps, or whatever. For me, I stop caring around the 45-50fps. 60 is a nice to have.
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