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NVIDIA GeForce are teasing something for August 31, likely RTX 3000

By - | Views: 22,101

Ready for your next upgrade? NVIDIA think you might be and they're teasing what is most likely the GeForce RTX 3000 launch at the end of this month.

We don't know what they're actually going to call them, although they will be based on the already revealed Ampere architecture announced back in May. It's probably safe to say RTX 3000 for now, going by the last two generations being 1000 and 2000 but NVIDIA may go for something more fancy this time.

So what's going on? On Twitter, the official NVIDIA GeForce account tweeted the hashtag "UltimateCountdown" along with an 8 second teaser with some sort of sci-fi space explosion and the sound of a ticking clock. Additionally, their Twitter header image is now this:

Their first GeForce release was on August 31, 1999 - so it's pretty clear what's going to come on August 31, 2020 don't you think? Would be weird if it wasn't. Wccftech actually managed to grab some info from secret sources, that gave a roadmap of their planned releases and it seems they will launch in September.

We've put it on our calendar to keep an eye on.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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WorMzy Aug 10, 2020
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess they aren't going to announce that they're open sourcing their Linux driver and/or co-operating fully with the nouveau developers to make the open source driver feature complete.

Would be nice to be surprised....
Shmerl Aug 10, 2020
Looking forward to an upgrade, but not to Nvidia. Waiting for RDNA 2 cards from AMD.

Last edited by Shmerl on 10 August 2020 at 3:33 pm UTC
Shmerl Aug 10, 2020
Quoting: WorMzyI'm going to go out on a limb and guess they aren't going to announce that they're open sourcing their Linux driver and/or co-operating fully with the nouveau developers to make the open source driver feature complete.

I'd say it's very unlikely. But that would be great of course if they did. Their previous announcement about it didn't result in anything.

Last edited by Shmerl on 10 August 2020 at 3:35 pm UTC
x_wing Aug 10, 2020
Seems that Nvidia got inspired by Fortnite black hole.
Ehvis Aug 10, 2020
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The leaked specs of these new cards appear to have lots of vram and memory bandwidth. Interesting to see how they will market that. Since there is no competition at that level, I expect some extremely high prices.

Quoting: ShmerlLooking forward to an upgrade, but not to Nvidia. Waiting for RDNA 2 cards from AMD.

Always waiting for the next card that is several years behind the times, right? Why are you even reading the nvidia related posts?
Shmerl Aug 10, 2020
Quoting: EhvisAlways waiting for the next card that is several years behind the times, right?

Nvidia's dropping Linux market share is surely not going to start rising until they'll open their drivers. So if you want to complain about something being behind the times, start with Nvidia ;)

Nouveau is there of course for them to support, but they didn't show any interest. Not only that, they still hinder it by not allowing it to work properly.

Last edited by Shmerl on 10 August 2020 at 3:56 pm UTC
setzer22 Aug 10, 2020
At this point, the only announcement that would make me happy from Nvidia is their bankruptcy I'm the lucky owner of several optimus-enabled laptops. So much wasted time because of them...

Anyway, wasn't Nvidia teasing just last week with an ARM acquisition? Could it be something on that front?

Last edited by setzer22 on 10 August 2020 at 4:26 pm UTC
Comandante Ñoñardo Aug 10, 2020
I repeat: We need a third player in the GPU market.

Both, Nvidia and AMd are using consumers as betatesters....

They should calm down and release new GPUs every three years and not every year.
logge Aug 10, 2020
I will wait how they compete with Rdna2, then I decide which one I will buy. I had Nvidia right after my Voodoos2 and was never disappointed by their drivers. A thing I cannot say about AMD.
Solarwing Aug 10, 2020
Not interested atm. I've geforce 1080 in my rig and that's enough for me.The next GPU will be AMD's for me unless NVIDIA open up their driver. It seems that's not gonna happen for a long time.Maybe then when evil scientists discover how to travel back in time to change history so that there will be no Microsoft and windows. And most importantly Linus Torvalds will be the overlord of the world. In addition to that, Linux Market share will be 99% in computers!Then NVIDIA open up their drivers.Oh what a fantastic world awaits us!Did I went too far with my story? Maybe. But honestly speaking, I suspect that It's only the new GeForce RXT 3000 card, nothing more. But there will be always room for pleasant surprises!
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