Diablo is something of a classic and it lives on thanks to the public domain game engine DevilutionX. Originally itself based on Devilution, a reconstruction of the source code used for the original Diablo.
DevilutionX continues taking it a step or two further, ensuring it works smoothly on modern operating systems with new and enhanced features to improve it. The legality around it is a little murky but so far Blizzard don't seem to be bothered. You still need to buy it, as it doesn't include any of the media/data files. You can buy a copy of the classic for that over on the DRM-free store GOG.com.
Curiously, DevilutionX had multiple new releases put out on the same day with 1.0.2+1.0.3 and then a bigger 1.1.0 release. Some of the main new features include:
- Proper widescreen (and other aspects) support
- Select difficulty in single player (remembered in the save game)
- Adjustable game speed in-game
- V-sync can now be disabled in the ini
- Better line drawing function used for the automap
- Support for loading custom Hell level maps
- Make all objects and monsters available to custom maps
- Added support for joining a game via hostname instead of IP
They also solved numerous bugs, some of which were present in the original game.
See more on the GitHub page.
Personally more intrested in D2, but both its ports are somewhat lacking last time I checked
As for the Widescreen support, no more black bars:

Does this have multiplayer?
Yes you can connect using a direct IP address or hostname.
I recommend setting the render resolution in the .ini to 800x600 instead of scaling it up from 640x480 as the default. If you set everything to 1920x1080 it becomes too small though.
Last edited by Julius on 13 Oct 2020 at 3:43 pm UTC
1) I connected to my GOG account on Lutris
2) clicked on + and import game
3) found Diablo, clicked Import
4) saw system notification that 2 games were added
I have no idea where the game is, it's not on the list. So when I choose add a game, I see only empty options to fill, no idea with what.
5) So I try differently. Add a new game, point to installer exe, name the game, it shows with lutris icon. Launch it and get info that Net.Framework is not installed so it crashes.
What? Should Lutris not automate install somehow? Where are those famous Lutris scripts? I remeber seeing them somewhere but now I can't find them in Lutris. Why is it so complicated and not straight forward?
Looks like Steam spoiled me, click and works.
EDIT: I found it easier to extract the mpq file to devilutionx then to install the game somewhere.
Last edited by michaldybczak on 13 Oct 2020 at 7:52 pm UTC
Should Lutris not automate install somehow? Where are those famous Lutris scripts?
Lutris is very helpful in some cases, but yes, it's not very intuitive at first.
To install a game in it you first need to search for it in the app (a button to the right from "Add Game" button, first button in the right column), then pick the game in search result, press "Install" and pick install script from the list.
In case of Diablo I wanted to recommend "GOG + DevilutionX Linux 64 bits" ([forum](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/forum/topic/3806/page=1) ), but that's basicly what you did yourself, manually. :).
Lutris is very helpful in some casesmind to elaborate?
Lutris is very helpful in some cases.mind to elaborate?
O. K. I'll try.
What i meant is that Lutris gives you a lot of options to fine-tune your game and it's environment. It gives you an option to pick specific wine and DXVK version to run your game, restrict old games to use only one core, use pre-launch and post-exit scripts (O. K. never used this one, but still...), use some specific settings (like when I need my game to launch in windowed mode in specific resolution and mouse pointer to NOT be caged in this window). I mean, for some games you just need more options than picking a version of proton. :). Also, Lutris once helped me when I needed to specify an non-english non-UTF-8 codepage for a game and a few times - when I needed to apply non-official patches and modes for my game (via "run exe inside wine prefix" interaction).
Stuff like this. :).
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